Judy Lee

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Judy Lee


#Post #Postie #Expost
Things I support: Live music, comedy, and theater; the Oxford comma; voting rights and fair elections; healthcare rights and autonomy for all; turtles and tortoises; cats; fact-checking; healthy environments; responsible journalism
Two-level authentication is a good idea in theory, but it can be hell for someone who can't afford a working phone, a computer with updated browsers, and Internet service. Public services (unemployment, Medicare, Social Security, etc.) have reduced staffing because it's assumed we all have those.
Is it advised to eat homemade potato salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if it's really good potato salad?
Everyone is focused on the captains, neither of whom is in their prime. But only one captain has selected a capable, disciplined, and honorable crew. Whoever is at the helm, I'm voting for the crew.
#Tech question: I have a Windows 10 tower. It has died. I did have recent Acronis backups and an external SATA card reader (could be worse). I removed the 2TB SATA disk and it's working fine and is readable . I've ordered a Windows 11 system, though, so what is the best migration plan?
Random thought: If the Dems were to replace Biden, there are many qualified candidates that come to mind. But Trump is all about Trump. Not even a VP announcement yet. Trump or nothing. I'll go with the party that has a depth of experience, no matter which member gets the nod.
Obama should have taught Biden the power of the metaphorical mic drop.
I know it's an idle wish, but ... Biden knows he did poorly in the debate. The SCOTUS ruling has given him the opportunity to go out with a bang; show the danger it presents by doing outrageously kind things as 'official acts.' It would be the greatest public service he could deliver.
Biden won't immediately see the potential of exploiting this SCOTUS ruling. He hasn't surrounded himself with scoundrels -- but he's surrounded himself with younger people who have known first-hand how bigotry can be wielded within the law. I hope they are brainstorming like hell tonight.
Steve Bannon is in jail today, and Trump is to be sentenced shortly in the one trial he couldn't stack the courts against. Decisions matter and words matter, but actions (voting!) matter more.
Clay Bennett of the Chattanooga Times Free Press:
A POTUS who respects the laws that apply to every other citizen of the country will get no benefit from today's decision.
Remember when Alvin Bragg was strongly criticized for endangering the 'big' cases as he pursued a minor, difficult-to-prove one? He didn't endanger squat. He simply did his job without letting that chatter affect his investigation.
Alvin Bragg's decision to proceed can be seen in a different light now. Trump hadn't had time to pack all of the state courts.
I'm trying to embrace BlueSky as a replacement for Post.News, but the character limit seems to encourage a shallowness I'm not at ease with. I find myself avoiding posting about things that matter to me because there aren't enough characters to go into any detail.
I was looking for an on-line manual for an old tool. Couldn't find it, but found a 12-year-old request for it. And then I found the physical manual, so I scanned it and uploaded it. I felt a bit silly; I'm sure that poster doesn't care. But maybe others will.
I like retirement because, for years - decades, even - I've been thinking, "I should repair and refinish that little bookcase' and the weather and schedule of other obligations finally told me, "Go for it."
Given that both POTUS front-runners present concerns, it makes sense to look at the people they appoint and surround themselves with. One claims to select "Only the best," then insults and dismisses them for showing 'disloyalty.' And one has put some very qualified people in key roles.
in the world of trending, has "gish gallop" displaced "hawk ptui" yet?
I think I could do a much better job at debating Trump than Biden is doing ... but glibness isn't something I particularly admire, so I'll look to other measures.
My Mama cat, like most cats, loves sitting in boxes. Lately we've noted that un-level boxes seem to be even more irresistible. Prop up a corner of that box, and it's her new favorite spot.
I hope that I'll be able to fall asleep to the sound of steady, gentle rain tonight. Heck, thunder would be fine. My area has been 'just miss' for weeks; we get the dark clouds and the wind, but just a few raindrops.
1. Thursday night: a critical debate with strict rules. 2. Trump believes rules don't apply to him. 3. Trump is doing no debate prep. Conclusion: Trump does not intend to debate. At first I thought he'd find an excuse to bail, but he can't resist the platform. I now expect him to hijack it.
(1/2) The Fox 'debate prep' talk has to focus on Biden, because Trump and the GOP aren't doing any. And yet, the strict rules of the debate are going to create an environment completely alien to Trump. You'd think there would be an attempt to simulate those, at a minimum.
My late husband loved cats but he had known only a senior cat. Later we got a kitten, but I had to leave for work. I still remember his panic about what to do with the kitten and the litter box. "Let her eat and drink, then put her in the litter box. She'll know what to do." They were both relieved.
Favorite quote of the day: "I advise you to answer candidly." - Alexander Woollcott in a letter to a colleague, just after "Are you still interested in trying out that play with me?" (What a succinct way to suggest they either start work or stop wasting each other's time.)
I thought I didn't know which was more dangerous: to be gullible / naíve enough to believe that those around you mean well, or to be suspicious of everyone and to be sure that even purported allies are working against you. The GOP is providing the answer to that philosophical question.