
pro covid tip: make sure you have your autistic special interest picked out BEFORE you get sick. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
You need a Sim rig for racing at home. Although I don't know if you'd feel like it.
yeah that's the thing with sim racing in that it's still really expensive and not feeling the Gs suuuucks to me
That's the part that sim racing doesn't hit for me. There are no Gs. We need artificial gravity up in here!
that's the thing that makes me pretty sure i won't like sim racing where even despite having f1 2024 and dirt rally in my library, i have yet to open either
Racing games peaked with NFS underground 2 anyway
Dirty Rally fucking WHIPS tho ngl
Playing on PSVR cranked it up a notch for me. There's a Spec Mini series you can race and it's so fun
You won’t like a video game because you can’t feel g’s?
that's a key part of what i like about karting, yes. driving with just my eyes and not with the feel of the car is extremely different
To people who have never raced it won't make sense. It's why motorcycle racing games feel flat.
yeah if you've never raced you won't get it tbh
I've tried it, it's fun. But it feels like a very expensive video game. I guess it can help drivers prepare for the track. But as far as experiential? It's not the same.
I have this issue with racing sims, and also flight sims too. Still didn't stop me buying a fuck load of monitors and an expensive flight yoke, throttle assembly, headset, pedals... 🫤 The only thing in my defence I can say is I could afford it at the time and wouldn't do it now.
see having never actually flown, i could totally see myself getting hooked on flight sims if i wasn't careful lol
It's a real pain, because I gave up my pilot's license some years back and no longer fly due to environmental concerns (also a lack of money since becoming disabled), but sims just don't come close to the real thing.
I've tried racing sims. And they are a lot of fun! It just always feels like a game and not the real thing. I don't know, maybe it's the entire experience. No smell of tires and burning race fuel. No Gs. It's a good time, just doesn't feel exactly right.
Gotta have somebody slowly shoving you into the couch during.