
okay given that i have covid can nobody be mad at me for the next week? if anyone upset at me for any reason could wait 7-10 days to air those grievances, i would really appreciate it. thanks for understanding
i literally JUST recovered from covid after like 12 days of it, hoping u recover soon 💖💖💖 make sure to take it easy and give yourself plenty of rest!!
thank you. this shit is literally hell. i feel so bad for you that you had to deal with covid while dealing with *gestures wildly* at the same time. i hope you're feeling better now
it sure was a double whammy!!! thankfully i feel pretty back to normal except for the brain fog and fatigue but those seem to be getting better every day!! be sure to give yourself lots of patience and kindness and treats these next few weeks 💖💖💖
yeah i bet. the brain fog is the real killer because i feel like i am in a soup. thankfully this is not as bad as the first time i got covid. first time i got covid, even when vaxxed, i was out of commission fully for multiple weeks. this feels really bad but not even CLOSE to how bad #1 was.
oh my god yeah i’m so thankful that these more recent strains of covid are more mild than they used to be. i can’t even imagine having it worse than what i went through this go around. wishing u a swift recovery 💖💖‼️