
It's so funny how the show insists for so long that mulder is the protagonist and driving force of the show and meanwhile every scene with scully is not only the best part of the show is she is easily the best part of 90% of shows
You can rly see how the role would end up as a silence of the lambs at home if gillian Anderson hadn't absolutely nailed it as well...she's so good...I love scully she's my little girl
100%. They clearly planned her for her to be this frumpy nerd to play against Mulder's badass rebelliousness, but Anderson is just so naturally cool that she just upstages him at every turn.
She also always plays scully as someone who has this rly important internal sense of justice that comes out as both a real sensitivity and as a steely resolve. And it makes sense that mulders quest for the truth would attract her! They are pure hearted idealists! ♥️
I also love the episode where she discovers she has cancer and goes on a date with the sentient misogynist tattoo guy. Her vibe in that ep is just epic and I've literally never wanted to be best friends with a fictional character more.
Andersons delivery of "not everything is about you mulder. This is my life" lives rent free in my head followed by the rly rly rly loud silence as mulder breaks mid through "yes, but"
Just excellent. Mulder is just incredibly annoying that episode, constantly calling her to check in while he's on his lame Graceland holiday. Just let Scully vibe man, she clearly needs her space.
She's actually more resilient than Mulder who acts like a bit of a cry baby when he thinks that aliens don't exist for that period in series 5 or so. Scully just keeps on trucking, because what matters to her is that the Syndicate gets brought down not the aliens.