Julian Gerez

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Julian Gerez


Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, Columbia University

Re-upping this! Comments and feedback very welcome. #polisky (am I doing this right?)
Excited to share my paper exploring subnational variation in law enforcement intensity, focusing on coca eradication in Colombia. I'll be presenting it at various venues soon, including the MPSA mini-conference on organized crime and politics. julianegerez.github.io/research/EradicationCauses.pdf
Excited to share my paper exploring subnational variation in law enforcement intensity, focusing on coca eradication in Colombia. I'll be presenting it at various venues soon, including the MPSA mini-conference on organized crime and politics. julianegerez.github.io/research/EradicationCauses.pdf
Hi Polisky community, long-time (~2 months?) listener, first-time caller. I'm looking for good posters that present the pilot of an experiment—a mix of preliminary results and speculative design considerations seems to be the right idea here, but posters are new to me so any advice would be great.
End of feed.