Julian Plum

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Julian Plum


Picture book author-illustrator working in gouache! he/they 🏳️‍⚧️ 🖌️ 🌿
Rep'd by Naomi Davis @ BookEnds Literary

💌 contact: [email protected]
🎨 portfolio: julianplum.com
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Happy #NonBinaryPeoplesDay 💛🤍💜🖤 Pls be nice to your nonbinary friends today, and for the other 364 days of the year. #nonbinary #kidlitart 🎨
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Thanks for doing this, Debbie!! 💛 Hi, I’m Reagan! 👋 I’m seeking representation for PB and early reader projects. I love adventurous characters, lush outdoor backgrounds, and vibrant palettes. 🌿✨ You can view my portfolio 👉 www.reaganlehman.net
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To #KidLit ILLUSTRATORS seeking representation: Reply with one (1) post that includes 1 image (I advise your name be in image somewhere) + link to your portfolio and/or Instagram URL. Makes sure it's easy to find your contact info, if agents are interested! cont'd 👇🏼
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Happy #kidlitartpostcard day! I'm Megan Taraszkiewicz and I work from my home in NJ. I love to work with hand stamped art as well as digital.
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Hi #kidlitartpostcard ! I'm an author/illustrator, currently open for picture book work. I love animals, nature, and kooky characters that do something unexpected! Feel free to reach out~ 🍓[email protected] ✨https://www.annadaviscourt.com/ 🌼Represented by Shannon Associates
Reposted byAvatar Julian Plum
Hello hello #KidLitArtPostcard day! I'm Julian Plum, a queer picture book illustrator who loves bugs, leaves, and weird little critters and would love to illustrate a book about them!! I'm rep'd by Naomi Davis with BookEnds Literary. 🎨 julianplum.com 🐌 [email protected]
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Happy #kidlitartpostcard day, fellow #kidlit folk! ✨️ My name is Denis, and I'm an illustrator who loves limited color palettes, bold lines, and crooked shapes. I'd love to illustrate more PBs and BBs full of charm and heart. 🌞 🌐 www.denisillustrates.com 📚 Represented by Susan Hawk #kidlitart
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Hello #kidlitartpostcardday! I am a short, west coast #kidlit illustrator who loves nature & neon, crazy ideas & amazing characters. I illustrate #picturebooks and take freelance work. I am #seekingrepresentation and always open to exciting projects! #KidLitArt #KidLitArtPostCard #illustration
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Hello #kidlitartpostcard! I am Charlene Chua & I illustrate books for kids. Interested in BB, PB, chapter books, early reader GNs, for production in 2025! Portfolio - charlenechua.com Agent - Tracy Marchini, BookEnds Literary #kidlitart #art 🎨
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Hello #KidLitArtPostcard I’m Nathasha and I love drawing, I’m looking for opportunities in PB and BB for little ones. You can see more of my work at: 🌈www.muakata.com 🌈[email protected] #kidlit #kidlitart
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Happy summer #kidlitartpostcard day #kidlitart! Hello I'm Shiho, a Japanese illustrator who draws with whimsy and cheeky. I would love to illustrate more stories! My first author illustrator PB is out for submission too✨ 💛 shihopate.com 💛 Represented by Deborah Warren at East West Literary Agency
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Hiya #kidlitartpostcard Please consider me for projects featuring lively, imaginative littles and rich settings with playful details. Lettering & cats always welcome! More mischief (and middle grade art): www.kalyquarles.com Rep: @marchsoloway.bsky.social at @andreabrownlit.bsky.social #kidlit
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Hello! Time for another #kidlitpostcard day! I'm an illustrator based in Scotland who paints in gouache, ink and acrylics 🏳️‍🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ✨My portfolio gordywright.com ⭐️Rep’d by Susan Penny at the Bright Agency #kidlitart #illustration
Hello hello #KidLitArtPostcard day! I'm Julian Plum, a queer picture book illustrator who loves bugs, leaves, and weird little critters and would love to illustrate a book about them!! I'm rep'd by Naomi Davis with BookEnds Literary. 🎨 julianplum.com 🐌 [email protected]
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It’s #PortfolioDay! Hi I’m Adriane, a #kidlit illustrator who draws fantastical scenes that bring child-like wonder to life. I am currently looking for my next illustration project! ✨ 💫 Rep’d by James McGowan 🌙 adrianetsai.com ⭐️ [email protected]
I'm leaving to go to Highlights tomorrow for the Illustration Summer Camp and I am SO EXCITED. also, I had to pick out childhood photos for a workshop (a little hard when you're trans but that's okay!!!) and found the absolute coolest photo of me as a baby just absolutely chomping some lilacs
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Hi #portfolioday ☀️ Before heading into your well deserved Summer holidays, I‘d love to invite you to have a look at my page! I‘m available from autumn on for lovely new #picturebooks & #kidlitart projects (currently working on book nr. 6+7). I‘m rep’d by the Bright Agency www.martinastuhlberger.com
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Hi #PortfolioDay I'm Gina Perry and I'm a children's book author and illustrator. I'm looking for new book projects and my literary agent is Sean McCarthy. #kidlit #kidlitart www.ginaperry.com [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Julian Plum
Hello #PortfolioDay! I'm Julian Plum, a queer #kidlit picture book illustrator who loves any story that ignites curiousity and wonder about the natural world. I'm looking for PB and board book projects, especially nonfiction! Rep'ed by Naomi Davis @ BookEnds Literary 🎨 julianplum.com
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Salaams and howdy it’s #portfolioday 😅 & I didn’t know! lol 😆 Sharing some of my favorite illustrations. My artwork is a representation of #childhoodmemories & joy. My art is a mixture between analog & digital art. Hope you enjoy & thank you for being here. #kidlitart
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Hello, #PortfolioDay ✨ I'm a #kidlit illustrator for children's literature who loves to capture magical moments between characters! I'm available for picture books, board books, and kids' magazine projects. 📣 claryillustration.com 💌 hello[at]claryillustration.com
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✨Hello! I’m Tanisha & I’m looking for work as a character designer & illustration work! Recently worked on Disney Junior Ariel!Please consider me for your projects!✨ 💼:tanishacherislin.com ✉️:[email protected] #PortfolioDay #characterdesign #drawingwhileblack #visdev #art #kidlitart
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It’s #portfolioday so, hello! My name is Nathasha and I am a #kidlit illustrator interested in picture and board books :) [email protected] Muakata.com
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hello #portfolioday! I am Christina Wald, an illustrator, urban sketcher, and publisher. Here is art from some of my new picture books! 💼: christinawald.com I also take people on sketching trips. Join me in Tuscany and/or Romania in 2025✈️ www.lisastatkus.com/christina-wa...
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Happy #portfolioday y’all! My name is Jesse. I’m an illustrator, author, and muralist in NC. I love blending themes of imagination, adventure, and nature in my work. Owls, moons, and moths but make them magical! Rep’d by @pterlip.bsky.social @andreabrownlit.bsky.social 💕jessewhiteillustration.com
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GM and hello #PortfolioDay! 😄👋 My name is Juliana Vieira, and I'm an illustrator and designer from Vancouver, Canada. I love whimsical and children's illustrations! 🌐: julianaillustration.com #kidlit #kidlitart #illustration
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Hi #PortfolioDay! I'm Charlene Chua, & I illustrate children's books. Interested in more book work (board book, PB, chapterbook, early GN) for 2025-onwards. 💼CharleneChua.com Rep'd by Tracy Marchini, BookEnds Lit. ✉ charlene[a]charlenechua[.]com #kidlitart
Hello #PortfolioDay! I'm Julian Plum, a queer #kidlit picture book illustrator who loves any story that ignites curiousity and wonder about the natural world. I'm looking for PB and board book projects, especially nonfiction! Rep'ed by Naomi Davis @ BookEnds Literary 🎨 julianplum.com
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I have some thoughts and observations about the #kidlit industry over on X (formerly Twitter). Please share with holdouts over there. boringstorybook.com/break-up-wit...
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Guess what? We're officially on Cara! cara.app/portfolioday If you are posting to Cara tomorrow, make sure to use #PorfolioDay AND #opentowork! And tag the @portfolioday account! 💛 See you there!
PortfolioDay (@portfolioday) | Cara - Artist Social & Portfolio Platformcara.app #PortfolioDay: a tag for creatives on the hunt for work!