
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
Biden can now officially create a Climate Change executive order and require an application process for any company to use more than X amount of our collective energy resources.
They'll make it so he can't do anything. SCOTUS already neutered the EPA. And the order will just be stalled and sent to SCOTUS. The thing they've done is made it so that they get the last say on everything now. And if they don't like the POTUS they can just rule against the cases related to him.
True, but SCOTUS has no enforcement branch, other than the executive branch of the US controlled by Biden. I am not expecting success, so much as making a point about their ridiculous inconsistency.
Based on what I've seen red states have no problem sending their national guard to help enforce (or rather prevent enforcement) of SCOTUS rulings. (like with the Texas razor wire). I'm not expecting anything because one side tries to play by the rules, the other side bans the rule book and burns it.