
I don't know how he could do this but I hope he can.
Fucking Congress needs to get their shit together and start passing legislation, period. It's the only way to stop the assinine shit coming down from lm SCOTUS. One GIANT reason we're in this situation is because MAGAs entire goal is to not do their job. The country needs to flush that toilet.
They already said they want to shrink government so it's small enough to drown in a bathtub. What no one heard them say is that they also intended to drown it in a bathtub.
There will be no legislative branch. Period.
I haven't been keeping especially close track since both houses of Congress seem to be paralyzed for various reasons...but I'm watching close enough to see if anyone proposes anything like the Enabling Act of 1933.
If 45 becomes 47, and the Right takes the house & senate I'd put money on it being among the first things passed through the new Congress.
Avatar which point congress officially ceases to exist. Just like Germany in 1934. No wonder certain people don't want that part of history to be taught in the US; it's because they fully intend to repeat it.
They will take over and like that big tub of orange lard, will not concede. That's the whole point.
They tried to once. There is a broken line in the sewer pipe of the US Government and the shit is flowing out faster than anyone can keep track of.
In college I studied very similar conditions and events which took place about 90 years ago. That time it was a legislative body which destroyed itself. This time, the judicial branch is working to destroy the legislative. The net result is the same: an autocrat comes to power.
This is why. The Republican House has ejected one Speaker and attempted to eject another. They have tried and failed to impeach cabinet members and President Biden, we got to see Hunter's penis plus a bunch of other worthless bullshit. They have not been governing. They don't know how.