Justin Coke

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Justin Coke


I write comics.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
I do wonder what people who defend Star Wars by saying it's for kids think they're getting out of that. Nobody says that about Toy Story because Toy Story is just good storytelling. That's something you say about Baby Geniuses 3.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
I was forced to rejoin Facebook for reasons and the default feed if you don't have any friends yet is just pictures of REALLY young girls in bikinis. It's really creepy.
Wow. Even if we're just at the point where this is semi-plausible is remarkable.
Here’s a surprising bit of good news: Global carbon dioxide emissions may have peaked last year. This means emissions that are responsible for climate change are starting to fall, according to new data.
The Right Kind of Tipping Pointwww.nytimes.com Global carbon dioxide emissions might have already peaked, according to new estimates, signaling a potentially monumental shift.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
I don't like what Instagram thinks of me. They aren't WRONG but I just don't like being perceived like that.
Due to a Sriracha accident I can't use my finger to unlock my MacBook. I feel like that's some new level of privilege, like I became a bodhsiattva of Yuppies or some other minor deity of privilege.
There should be an option between mute and nothing where you limit a person to 5 posts a day.
I ?think? 7 months of writer's block just ended. At the least that's what it feels like, and it feels good.
Anyone else have those comic publishers you read because it's from them and that lasts like 4 months before you realize you were just on a hot streak and most of the catalog is fan fiction about banging Star Trek aliens?
One of my pet peeves is people who think you can spoil really old stuff. Like, no, it's impossible to spoil Jane Eyre because it's 170 years old. Shush. It is not everyone else's job to craft the conversation around the most ignorant person who can hear it.
So I made a thing and it's really, really good. zoop.gg/c/swat1
Reposted byAvatar Justin Coke
I've been doing some experimentation. Turns out that eating some edibles and lying in a dark room listening to music and just thinking bout stuff is way more productive than social media. And it's fun!
There should be some kind of Conservative Rage Advent Calendar you could buy. November: Starbuck cup hate. December: Annual War on Christmas. January: We're mad about black music at the Superbowl. February: We're mad about Black History Month. Is it an election year? Migrant caravan a'coming.
My mother in law gave our 7 year old a travel coffee mug (with picture of her dog), an old picture frame (w/ dog) and a portable stool and I just can't stop thinking about the thought process of giving a portable stool to a child. People thought socks were boring but no, not compared to a stool.
It is mind boggling to me how many people are so deeply committed to the idea that rich people are always smart, not matter how stupid the things they say and do clearly are. Sometimes the Emperor has no clothes. Stop trying to put clothes on them.
End of feed.