
If you want to know what the Founders thought about the proper role of religion in government, they left us an owner's manual. It's called the Constitution. It only refers to religion three times, and every time, it makes it clear that the Founders wanted it far removed from the government.
This lawyer keeps insisting the Ten Commandments were a very, very important part of the founding but offers zero proof (because there is none) He finally says, well, Moses is on the SCOTUS building -- built in the 1930s! -- and yes, he's there, but so are Muhammed, Confucious, Hammurabi ....
1. No religious test for office holders -- a huge rejection of the kind of theocratic government the religious right seeks 2. No establishment of religion by the federal government 3. No interference by the federal government in individuals' decision to worship or not worship That's it!
One wonders if there were historical patterns associated with state religions in Europe that might have given the founders pause.
Who can say?! It's a mystery lost to the ages!
It's a good thing that Supreme Court justices are so well equipped to address questions of deep historical analysis, as there does not appear to be any other profession able to handle this important task.