Jan Vaněk jr.

Jan Vaněk jr.


SF fan (among others™; sometimes I pub an ish, even if noone LoCs: https://sites.google.com/site/janvanekjr/newtnews )

Most of my xTwitter contacts are Czech but should understand (my) English, so let me try that for now.

(PSA: this field has 256 chars.)
And I wondered why another #Wikipedia reference link was broken. I've run across ugly #font #substitutions of the-most-exclusive-#Latin2 characters for decades, but just when I thought I've seen everything, something this radically new comes along. How did they do it? (Also, when did he play it?)
Slept badly, so started doing (what passes for my) research early: almost literally before breakfast, ran into a Guide du Roman de Langue Francaise (by a well-known, though not to me, US prof) which indexes entries not just with topics but all foods and beverages mentioned. What a country, right?!
End of feed.