JZ Murdock

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JZ Murdock


Award winning Indie Filmmaker/Author
www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/m... According to Robert D. Putnam, author of Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, the decline of social capital in the US since 1950 undermines the active civic engagement that a strong democracy requires from its citizens.
Robert Putnam Knows Why You’re Lonelywww.nytimes.com The author of “Bowling Alone” warned us about social isolation and its effect on democracy a quarter century ago. Things have only gotten worse.
He argues that Americans are "bowling alone" by choosing to engage in activities individually rather than communally. He also says that this puts America's capacity to build social capital and undermine our national character at risk.
Mayor Johnson nixes plan to remove Washington statue outside his City Hall office The since-rescinded decision to remove the statue had nothing to do with the former president’s ownership of slaves, Mayor Brandon Johnson’s communications director said. chicago.suntimes.com/city-hall/20...
Mayor Johnson nixes plan to remove George Washington statue outside his City Hall officechicago.suntimes.com The since-rescinded decision to remove the statue had nothing to do with the former president's ownership of slaves, Mayor Brandon Johnson's communications director said.
Trump, bought by anyone who pays. Most recently, Elon Musk. Well he's not Putin anyway, RIGHT? Though maybe worse? ᗰᗩƳᖇᗩ ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕪 @LePapillonBlu2 If trump wins, Russia will own America in the near future.
Apologies, JD Vance didn't say Donald Trump WAS America's Hitler. He said Donald Trump might BE America's Hitler.
I would argue this Venn diagram misses entirely the Trump fantasy dark fearful GOP universe, which deserves to be in it due to its dystopian fantastical orientation in storytelling.
Updated #blog from yesterday with new info about Trump never getting hit by a bullet, just hadn't thought of teleprompter glass & Guilfoil Kept saying video wasn't showing me he turned his head to miss getting hit by a bullet (maybe turned INTO something) jzmurdock.blogspot.com/2024/07/what...
& I was right bullets missed: Donald Trump Reportedly Hit By Glass Shards During Shooting At Pennsylvania Rally, President Biden Reacts | Atlanta Daily World According to law enforcement, a bullet hit a teleprompter and Trump was grazed by glass shards atlantadailyworld.com/2024/07/14/d...
We were once ruled by superstitions. But organized those random fears into religions. We have allowed one of those to invade our secular politics in one party that welcomed it in against our beliefs. Which is never a good thing. And it will not go well from here.
I see, part of the teleprompter shattered when the bullet hit it. Claims are THIS hit Trump NOT a bullet. So this would "kill" Trump in NOT being hit by a bullet. And he IS refusing to release medical records. Why?
Posting for a friend. Pandora
America...is having a mental breakdown. We can all sides take responsibility for it. Although one side is more advanced in this decline than the other. Conservatism tending toward that more easily. We can do better. We will! But will we rip our "limbs" off first? Let's not.
As I've said recently & 2015. Electing Trump spreads his mental illness to his followers & America at large. Let's not do that again. What is it? I can't make it any easier for you... jzmurdock.blogspot.com/2024/07/what...
What a week we're into now...jzmurdock.blogspot.com Hi. Hang in there. Hopefully, no matter what happens, we'll get through it to the next and better situation. This is a special blog today, f...
Violent Trump supporters really are stupid. A REPUBLICAN shot at Donald Trump. So DHS say these clowns are going to retaliate against... who? Liberals/Democrats? Who did NOT shoot at convicted felon Trump? That is truly...mental illness. www.dhs.gov/news/2024/07...
Secretary Mayorkas Delivers Remarks at White House Press Briefing | Homeland Securitywww.dhs.gov Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas delivered the following remarks at the White House Press Briefing in Washington, DC.
This makes me sad. I don't buy into normal pre-Trump, pre-Newt Gingrich conservatism (which no longer exists) but I do miss a real and functional Republican Part in the vein of the once GOP.
WHAT MITT ROMNEY SAW IN THE SENATE In an exclusive excerpt from my biography of the senator, Romney: A Reckoning, he reveals what drove him to retire. "I don't know that I can disrespect someone more than JD Vance..." www.theatlantic.com/magazine/arc...
What Mitt Romney Saw in the Senatewww.theatlantic.com In an exclusive excerpt from my biography of the senator, Romney: A Reckoning, he reveals what drove him to retire.
Donald Trump's thoughts on this? It's Biden's JOB, not MINE! jzmurdock.blogspot.com/2024/07/what...
"We the People" have the Power. Vote !!! Vote Blue Vote Biden vote.org www.vote.org
2024 when the, "Would you kill Hitler as a baby," thought experiment turned into, "Would you vote Hitler out and hope that works?"