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Spinner of stories, lover of all things spooky-cute.
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Comm of Goetia’s OCs
Working at the bank is wild because people freak out about the most common sense things. Just had a customer get pissed at me because I wouldn't deposit a check made out to -somebody else- into his account
Tonight, I installed Linux onto a 12 year-old laptop I had languishing in a drawer, one which hadn't been booted up since 2019. I've never even used Linux, but not only was the install completely smooth, it runs as well as it did new. This is some voodoo shit, I'm genuinely amazed.
It just occurred to me that I take care of my health now, when I didn't ten years ago, because the 30-year-old version of me has a lot more to live for than the 20-year-old version.
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if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
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burger time!
On a side note, my wife told me earlier today about how her favorite hockey teams were doing posts on Twitter for Pride Month and how she "had to block half their fanbases" in the aftermath due to their toxic reactions and like How cool is it that this place isn't like that?
Here's one of my many little projects: a CYOA where you are a tabaxi witch in a bleak fantasy world. Your name is Agranne, and you just used used your first ever bit of sorcery to kill a man, and it only gets worse from here. The game is hosted on RP Nation (linked), but... 1/2
Fantasy - Terrorchild: Awakeningwww.rpnation.com Somewhere far below, a million damned spirits swirl and howl in anticipation of your arrival. You killed a man. How could it have happened!? You - a whelp, nothing but a peasant farmgirl - you...
I don't know why, but I ✨love✨ putting the characters I write through unfathomable trauma
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Stroll in the rain
Malicious spirits? Beckoning my attention? Calling me forth from my bed in the dead of night? Enrapturing me in a cloak of violet light and lulling me into an entranced devotion? As I stare into their fathomless eyes? I wouldn't know anything about it.
Fun Aurora fact: The reason folks are seeing red/purple aurora is that the current storm is strong enough that it's attracting malicious and majesterial spirits from deep mirror dimensions. The "regular" green Aurora is due to interaction with higher level beings from nearer realms.
The Cybertruck is what happens when you let the guys who base their retirement plans on pictures of monkeys they trade on the Internet design a car Every rube who buys one probably deserves something like this for encouraging them
It still feels totally surreal right now that I'm going to be a homeowner, but in about two weeks, I'm closing on my first house. What felt like an unachievable pipe dream just two years ago is approaching reality. I feel like I've finally resumed the upward trajectory my life was on in college.
*Gains two followers in a week*
Just bought a brand new drawing tablet! Yes, it's the cheapest Wacom they had at Best Buy, but it's something!
I finally deactivated my Twitter account today. I think most of my favorite accounts have already made the jump, so it was finally time to turn the lights out and lock the door.
Had my follow-up with the eye doctor today. He says that I have not reached the proliferative stage of retinopathy. Every three months from now on, I'll need to be checked again, but this is very good news for now.
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The Rot of the Dream Palace Part 1 10 pages comic. Part 2 coming next week.
This morning, I had an eye exam in reference to bleeding that was spotted in a prior exam. The news hasn't been good. I have diabetic retinopathy which is possibly already in the proliferative stage- and the treatments scare the shit out of me almost as much as the prospect of going blind does.
I'll take it. Demons, it's me, ya girl~
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Bewarb, this is elf (?) country.
They also changed Ashley's last name??!? Our family name matches now and Ashley doesn't even know because she's in a dentist appointment today
Also on the way to the courthouse, I crossed an important womanly threshold- literally got catcalled by construction workers
On my way to the courthouse to get my name changed. My deadname is finally about to die (legally)!
My NiD Data Discs arrived finally! Listening to this soundtrack reveals how much music the game has that I haven't heard either because I always play the same way (level themes vary based on how the player interacts) or because I defeat the bosses too quickly, lmao
Just went to my first ever concert! Ashley and I saw Fall Out Boy, with Jimmy Eat World opening for them. Both bands were incredible and I just about screamed myself hoarse. 😆
Tomorrow is April Fool's Day, but also my birthday! To celebrate with me, have yourself a slice of cheesecake and play an old video game! 😁
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