
If y'all could keep the celebrations limited to 3 days, then get on with the work of actually shifting things back to the Left, that'd be great. A Labour win led by a man who has previously said he won't honour campaign promises is not enough. There's still work to do.
By all means, have a lil celebration that the far right party running the country now wears red instead of blue. Then get ready to put pressure on them to actually improve things. Quick list of issues off the top of my head:
Reinstate our right to protest Stop the persecution of our Romani and Traveller neighbours Make the EHRC independent from the Government and bring their recommendations back in line with the actual laws. Scrap WCA and return the decision on fitness for work to disabled people's doctors
Increase welfare above to match the cost of living. Heck, while we're being optimistic, Universal Basic Income. Clean up our rivers and seas. Re-nationalise essential infrastructure. Roll back the 2 child benefits cap. Build more social housing (and make it green and climate change resilient)
Take up France's offer of housing asylum seekers while their claims are processed. Scrap the ridiculous immigration rules that resulted in the massive loss of NHS staff... And pay them a living wage. Tax. The. Rich. Fund the NHS. Bring trans healthcare back in line with international standards.
There is *so much* to do. We can't just trust that because Labour won that things will get better. They need to see that they'll be held to a high standard and we won't settle for platitudes or more of the same policies we've had for the last 14 years.
Anyone who's actually good at this, feel free to chip in with the most effective ways to push for these beneficial policy changes. All I know is we're not done. I've no idea how to effectively get it done.