
I think this is exactly right, Trump has retained verbal fluency and that makes him SEEM less elderly even though he’s spouting gibberish
have said this before but trump’s brain is pretty obviously far more cooked than biden’s if you listen to what they actually say. but the presentation - basically trump being a spaz - makes trump *look and sound* less cooked to many people i think
Also like.... when Joe Biden says "we defeated medicare" we kind of realize he must have meant something like "we defeated covid and strengthened medicare" and he just flubbed it. But if Trump says "my toilet won't flush hard enough because of the immigrants" he could have meant something about
how he's mad about toilet flush regulations, and also he's mad about immigrants, or he could have meant that he thinks immigrants generate an aura of bad flush that has infected the country. It's not clear that being old made his brain break in any specific case, his brain was already so broken.