
"The fact that we're going to hold Joe Biden to one standard and Donald Trump to another, which is really no standard at all." - @JoeNBC on The New York Times et al.
The NY Times is busy telling its readers today to feel bad about a Labour victory, because not enough people voted so it really doesn't count.
To be fair, Labour barely did better, in terms of vote share, than their catastrophic performance last election, and they did dramatically worse than 2017. Their victory was entirely driven by the complete collapse of the Tories and inability of the FPTP system to handle multiparty democracy.
It's hard to conceive of a more undemocratic system than what we in the US have, but a system in which the LD's 12.2% of the vote earns 11.8% of the seats, while Reform UK's (may they burn in a racist hell of their own design) 14.3% of the vote earns 0.8% of the seats is.. Not exactly democratic.
It is democratic if your results are based on ridings and not nation-wide. You have to create a system in which you follow. FPTP is the system in the U.K. (like here in Canada). So that means, you are electing a representative and that person helps choose a PM. Is this the best system? I don't know.
Even within an individual riding... Take Chingford and Woodford Green, for example. There's no real argument that Iain Duncan Smith had majority or even plurality support, if the vote had not been divided between two Labour candidates. His victory did not reflect the will of the voters.