
shitty Reason columnists and Libertarian think tankers covertly on company payrolls will spend the next six straight months pretending critics of this decision are being hyperbolic, but I don't think the deadly impact on consumer protection, the environment, and public safety is even fathomable
and the feckless, "both sides" press coverage is going to fail utterly to properly explain the stakes of this ruling to the public, in part because the billionaire owners of a highly consolidated media support the total lobotomization of the regulatory state
now that they've fully defanging federal regulators, ensuring ANY attempt at reform is bogged down in perpetual legal bog, the corporatists and fascists can shift their cooperative focus toward crushing the last vestiges of state rights everything is a local fight now
people really do not understand what's coming
I just read Prophet Song and - sadly - that gave me the basis for imagining USA future with frightful clarity.
I didn’t spend every day in public school for 13 years of my childhood reciting the “pledge of allegiance” for this horsehockey bullshit
Fuck the Supreme Court. This decision will have terrible consequences.
people really really really don't understand what's coming