
Maybe, though I don’t think we were expecting a reined-in second Trump administration. The immediate effect is the most pronounced one: his prosecutions are effectively halted.
Of course they feel energized by this. I don't mean that they don't. I just mean that the practical effect is that they've got extra validation for the stuff they were already planning to do, and the prosecutions that were ongoing have stopped dead.
I still disagree. I think it materially changes what they’d try, ie, what they think they’d get away with. It’s like the SA in 1920s vs 1930s. Before Nazis were in power, violence risked blowback from state & voters. Then they became the state. This legitimizes Trump’s worst ideas in a new way.
Maybe! But I’ve been looking at the stuff they were openly promising to do before this got handed down, and man, it was already quite maximalist and grim!
I know it is, in US context. But I’m a Euro historian by training so I can’t help extrapolating. What’s out in the open is just the start & I can maybe too easily conjure up possibilities for what isn’t.