KASTEL Security Research Labs

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KASTEL Security Research Labs


Competence Center for IT Security
Prof. Jörn Müller-Quade, Sprecher der KASTEL Security Research Labs am KIT äußert sich im WDR-Nachrichtenpodcast zum Thema Onlinewahlen: www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/0630...
Thorsten Strufe (KIT/KASTEL) is co-organizing the SePAR workshop (Security and Privacy of AR, VR, and XR) on June 4th-7th in Perth, Australia. separ-workshop.github.io
We've had the pleasure of hosting a really interested group of students from UFCG (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil) who were on a DAAD study visit at 🏰 @kastel-labs.bsky.social 🏰. Nice exchange and lively discussions - we hope to welcome you back in Karlsruhe, soon! ;-)
On April 24, as part of a program supported by the Dutch government, a delegation from various Dutch cybersecurity companies visited the #KASTEL Security Research Labs to learn more about the German cybersecurity research landscape and its work. Read more: www.kastel-labs.de
Prof. Jörn Müller-Quade, Sprecher der #KASTEL Security Research Labs am KIT am 05.04. im Interview mit SWR3 über die ansteigende Bedrohung durch Cyberangriffe: www.swr3.de/media-assets...
We celebrate the birthday of Mary W. Jackson (Apr. 9,1921- Feb.11, 2002), an US computer pioneer and NASA's first black female engineer. During her life, she campaigned against racial discrimination and for equality of women. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Ja...
In a world full of new technologies, #digitalization & global crises, security issues are becoming ever more pressing. What #security means & how we can continue to ensure it is the topic of the new @acatech_en HORIZONTE. Free download (German): www.acatech.de/projekt/acat...
In the context of the Aktionstag on March 20 at Bosch, Ina Schaefer, co-spokesperson at KASTEL Security Research Labs, was interviewed by SWR AKTUELL about the transformation of the German Automotive Industry.https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL3N3ci5kZS9hZXgvbzIwMjIxMjQ
On March 6, Prof. Lam Kwok Yan, Director of the Digital Trust Center (DTC) in Singapore and Vice President of Nanyang University Singapore, visited KASTEL Security Research Labs, the competence center for IT security at KIT in Karlsruhe. www.kastel-labs/news/
Eine Zeitreise durch die Kryptographie – Die Wissenschaft der Verschlüsselung Wie hat Cäsar verschlüsselte Nachrichten an seine Legionen verschickt? Was ist eine Enigma und was hat sie mit Chips zu tun?   Anmeldung: www.girls-day.de/.oO/Show/kar...
The Taurus wiretapping affair has led to heated debates. Experts at KASTEL Security Research Labs offer an assessment of current security-related questions. Read more: www.kastel-labs.de/news/
World Women's Day 2024 We celebrate International Women's Day in honor of the female IT security experts at KASTEL Security Research Labs and all women worldwide.
  On February 29, Mr. Ioannis Legouras, Head of the Helmholtz Office in Brussels, visited KASTEL Security Research Labs. The office supports the intensification and expansion of networks and research cooperation in Europe and beyond. www.kastel-labs.de
Between Risk and Security - Shaping the Digital Transformation The Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper reported about the Digitalization in Dialogue project. www.kastel-labs.de
Risk Perception of Cyberattacks   Jörn Müller-Quade, spokesperson at KASTEL Security Research Labs, provides his perspective on public risk perception in an article published on the EURACTIV portal on February 13th. www.euractiv.com/section/cybe...
Jörn Müller-Quade in an interview at Baden TV Jörn Müller-Quade, IT security expert and spokesperson at KASTEL Security Research Labs, was interviewed by Baden TV on the subject of security vulnerabilities in online elections. More information (German): www.baden-tv.com/mediathek/vi...
Jörn Müller-Quade interviewed by ARD "plusminus" about: Does technology from China represent a security risk?   www.ardmediathek.de/video/plusmi...
Transferring Cyber Security into Society On January 17, Wirtschaftswoche published the article "How cyber criminals could be legally hunted". The article discusses the dilemma facing criminal investigators in the pursuit of cybercrime. Read More: www.kastel-labs.de
Bringing science to life! That was our motto for the KASTEL SRL Winter Colloquium with Science Slam on January 22. Here you can find some impressions.
Disinformation - a threat to democracy and technological responses On December 14, acatech held a themed conference on the current significance of disinformation and its social relevance. www.kastel-labs.de
The online election for the Executive Board of the German Informatics Society (GI) took place until December 8. As part of the project, researchers from #KASTEL SRL were one of four teams to develop verification tools for the POLYAS voting platform used. www.kastel-labs.de
Grace Hopper, called “Amazing Grace” (1906-1992) was an American computer scientist and computer pioneer. She came up with the idea of writing computer programs in understandable language already in the late 1940s. #KASTEL en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_H...
Did you know that Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) not only built the first working comupter? He was also an artist and painted over 500 pictures. Read more:   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_...
On December, 15, 16:00 – 17:00 (Central European Time) WISDOM, WORAN and Women in OR/MS present a Winter Webinar. More information and the registration form: kastel-labs.de/wp-content/u...
Hermann Hollerith (1860-1929) was an American engineer and businessman. He invented the first electronic punch card machine for data processing. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_...
#KASTEL Security Research Labs researchers at the video shooting for the image film “KIT - That's Why”. www.kastel-labs.de
Isn't cyber security more important than ever? IT security specialist Jörn Müller-Quade from #KASTEL SRL took part at the #Cybersecurity Summit in Berlin yesterday. Participants discussed and provided impulses for the further development of the National Cyber Security Strategy.
Hedy Lamarr (1914-2000) was not only an Austrian-American actress, but also an inventor. She rejected National Socialism. In 1940, she and musician George Antheil invented a radio remote control for the U.S. Navy. Read more:  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_La...