Kate King

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Kate King


Retired doctor, avid reader, Green politics, inclusive feminism, dogs

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Did I overreact? A man in a writing group I coordinate sent a sexist message to a woman as feedback about her story, visible to the whole group. I sent a private message that it was not respectful or appropriate. He's now answered "it was clearly a joke" and gone off in a strop. His issue, right?
Wishes are tricksy things. When they are mined industrially and widely available, laws are needed. But Aziza, Nour, Shokry and Shawqia just want to do the best they can. The characters are beautifully drawn and their stories very moving. The social and legal framework is well developed. Recommended
How long must a body of water exist for to qualify for a name and inclusion on the OS map? This puddle has been here since last November, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller, and seems destined to become permanent. We call it "No, Maia!"
I've found some great new books based on recommendations from people here, and I'd like to share some books that I've loved. Is there an easy way to link my Goodreads account to this one?
Amazing foxgloves on our walk this morning
Just a dog eating daisies. No, I don't know why
One of life's little pleasures - breaking the seal of a fresh jar of coffee!
Good morning, bluesky. Thanks for your welcome. Time to educate the algorithm. If you're posting weirdly hypersexed cartoons and I block you, it's not personal. I'm just not interested. If that's not what you post and I block you, yeah it absolutely is personal.
End of feed.