
I know it's late in the day, but I worked hard on getting this all polished today so I still wanted to do the soft launch before I settle into more relaxing tasks for the evening! New website for my engineering management consulting services is now up! (A few important details in thread...)
The Word
I'll be taking on just a few clients to start, since I am still in the very early stages of treatment for my Lyme illness, and I suspect I can only work a few hours per month right now.
It's also likely that I'll sometimes need to reschedule meetings due to health reasons--but my clients will have absolute flexibility on rescheduling as well. If all that context sounds ok and you're still interested, do drop me a note through the website! ✨ I would be thrilled to work with you.
(My bsky (and Twitter) accounts are decidedly more personal than professional accts these days, but it still made sense to at least initially broadcast my new website for my consulting services this way! For the moment this is a bsky exclusive soft launch. 😎 I plan to share more widely next week!)
The site looks really good and I really hope the launch goes well for you!
Thank you! Yeah, the person I worked with to put it all together did a great job I think. :)
It's polished and easy to follow and I knew exactly what the purpose of the site was. A+ job!
I love this. I don't know why I never thought of this for myself. I've not taken on more 1:1s because of fear of scheduling, but if we both have absolute flexibility...
Yeah, I'm going to write a short blurb I'll include in my responses to any inquiries along the lines of: I'm still sick in very unpredictable ways, but I'm also remarkably good at what I do, and if it seems like my skills are a good fit for your needs, here's how I propose we handle scheduling.
I even work with populations that often need more flexibility (and have even allowed for that with clients), and I still never thought to make it explicit for both my needs and theirs. The internalized ableism is strong sometimes.
There was such a strong message within coaching about how not allowing for rescheduling is the only way to have boundaries. Which I completely understand if you have a full client load. But chronically ill me with a handful of clients? It benefits both of us.
I genuinely see folks like us as the vanguards for how we will need a society-wide reimagining of work in a reality where increasingly more people will be grappling with illnesses like ours.
Looks great! Love the concept of your services! Very *friendly.* I'm not your audience. But grade = A :)
Aw thanks, Eileen! :) (I can't take credit for the design, as I worked with a rad local person for that, but I will pass along the kudos!)