
Ok I am really glad I ordered those shooting earmuffs a couple days ago If I were a betting person*, at least one person is losing a hand in my neighborhood tonight. It's that bad. * who am I kidding, I love betting
In case it needs clarification: I don't love people losing hands. These fireworks jackasses are making their own damned choices.
Close friend of mine (left the Mormon Church at age 26, one of the most interesting fellas I know) lost two joints on his right ring finger when he was a teenager, was infamous in our high school. Fun fact: the explosive that blew up in his hand was *homemade*. Yikes!
Oh yeah there's a neighbor that I swear was just dumping smaller fireworks into 2 liter soda bottles and setting them off for New Year's Eve I'm kinda surprised that asshat isn't doing anything (I strongly suspect he and household are away somewhere, being asshats all the same but elsewhere)
It is like a war zone here in my SW Gresham neighborhood… enough already!!!