
I'm in a decently bad ME/CFS crash today thanks to all the bullshit fireworks from the past six days (+ some other unsettling things from yesterday). Friend suggested perhaps next time I should go somewhere it's more quiet. I reply I tried to find someone to do that with me this year and couldn't.
(This friend is almost the only friend still helping me, is certainly the main friend still helping me, nobody get mad at this friend!) What I'm trying to illustrate is how much necessary care is inaccessible to me because I don't have *people* in my life, like almost at all. At all.
Being left for dead really makes me feel like giving up. 🤷 Why wouldn't it make a person feel that way. I see all these relatively small effort things that would provide critical benefit...and yet. I have almost literally no one. I'm just stuck here in this hole.
This hits so hard. My partner has been dealing with this as well, thankfully we could move her in with me so I can help manage things. I play case manager for her and my disabled daughter both and I can't fathom having to do it as the person who's ill. 💜
I wish you didn’t live on the opposite side of the country - I would have loved to go somewhere quiet. The 4th is so disruptive. I also wish you had many loving and covid safe people in your life to help. 🫂❤️
That would have been very nice to gtfo out of town with another person who understands illness things especially! 🙏 Yeah. Almost every friend I used to have disappeared on me and ...I don't know how I'm supposed to make new friends now. Most people don't want to start new friendships with sick--
people, and even if they did, I don't have a ton of energy to devote to making new friends. I needed my old friends, with whom I'd already shared years of getting to know each other. 😖
I fully understand what you mean. I have that kind of support and I know what it's worth, I really do. I wish you did, too. Deeply, sincerely, I wish that
If you don't mind crossing the ocean, you'll find a friend in France.
It wouldn't take much to get me to cross the ocean! I already want to try living in France someday if I'm well enough to manage it on my own. Would do it even sooner if I knew enough people there and had community already. J'ai déjà réussi le DELF B1 quand même, niveau pour l'exigeance de langue.
You'll be welcome! B1 c'est vraiment un bon niveau en plus and... as you surely know... Well, it's elections day, I must go back to panicking now.