Kay King

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Kay King


30-ish, Dracula-obsessed digital-age skeleton wrapped in meat. ✨they/them💜Ace💀
I'm @Kayzig on tumblr, too!
finally gave a new flavor a shot, and arrogantly added the full spice pack thinking I could handle it, I've done this before, Hochi isn't spitting fire on the cover....oops lmao
I already told myself that July is my month for catching up on health stuff, I need to see how much vision/dental stuff costs, and my next priority is other stuff for my HEALTH and yet here I am also looking at vanity weeb purchases...
it just struck me that I've owned the little non-official Chibi Sephiroth Enamel Pin I got in San Francisco on a field trip for over 20 years...
I don't know how to say this in a non weird way but: sometimes there is just a Rad Overall Aesthetic on a specific Kids' Shoe that makes me wanna design an entire character around it
my brain is being incredibly nasty about wanting to run a low-maintenance ttrpg game that I would enjoy working on and I know that doeSN'T EXIST (I am not looking for new game suggestions, I like 5e and Fate, end list)
I have a few Adult Cost things coming up but I think if I get through that and still manage 50% or more of my July comic goals I need to finally make a Real Webcomic site or research the best hosting site
I almost sketched a whole page in an hour...granted it is a lot of talking head panels but that is a huge step forward from the Struggling To Draw pace I had in most of June
the Yakuza Grandpa in Onomichi in Yakuza 6 has absolutely charmed me and as someone who knows what Yakuza characters go through I am mentally panicking
I rearranged my room and while I feel moderately accomplished, I also have to re-hang a framed poster, and am getting increasingly irritated that for some reason, my fitted sheet is suddenly not...FITTING on my mattress??? I can see it at this angle, I think my blankets used to hide it...
All the cadbury eggs I bought are "Best by" July, so I guess it's Time To: eat a dozen chocolate eggs
also, I took a warm bath before bed and while it did some amazing things to unfuck my hip/knee/shoulder I think it cooked my brain into hyper drive for some reason??
playing through the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games has really set the dormant weeb part of my brain into hyperdrive, but I really, really, really want a haori style house robe, right now...
got to use homemade chili leftovers on a bbq day...one must always pay respects to Sonic The Hedgehog
Reposted byAvatar Kay King
I am very dedicated to this Year of the Hobgoblin thing, and now that he has actually had a session I feel confident posting art of my new guy, who in fact puts the Go in Goblin💪
I am averaging out about 2-3 hours, max, that my arm can draw for before it gets fatigued...that's kind of perfect for the fact that my drawing isn't my money-making, and my attention span is garbage, haha
Happy Saturday Morning! It's time for all those other Princesses that Vilgorr warned us about! liegedoomveil.tumblr.com #comic #webcomic
been taking it easy and resting my shoulder after making it sore earlier from bad sleep posture, but I've lettered and am looking at the very very real manifestation of getting thumbnailed out to Pages 47 and 48, this weekend...
I claim to really like bad guys but damn if any protagonist defending their friends or random people via saying they "deserve to chase their dream" or some shit REALLY just has me immediately teary-eyed and going "THEY'RE RIGHT..."
part of the reason I have been completely unable to give up on making a comic despite getting myself frequently frustrated with the process is that I find a script, dialog scrap, etc, and laugh really hard at it, and the only way to tell this stupid joke to anyone else is to make the comic
Why Am I Struggling!, asks an adult who has not had their water or pain pills or sunlight exposure or caffeine or
more fun roundups from yesterday's birthday
Amy asked if I wanted my cake to be frosted in a particular color and I asked if it was possible to be a Liege colored and she really nailed it tbh 💜👍
having my bday be in the middle of a 10 day vacation just means I am spending the rest of June being a little birthday boy, just a little guy, and it's my birthday, c'moooon
my birthday wish is that I finish a comic page for Saturday, that people reading my comic get a reasonable chuckle, and my hip pain goes away, in that priority order
surely there is a more polite way to initiate a conversation with someone than seeing them do their job and saying "I'm so glad I don't have to do THAT!"
I forgot I put chipped ice in the drink I am using to swallow my pain pills and got really confused when I suddenly felt a mouthful of many small, cold pills in my mouth
indulgently making my PB& banana vanilla protein shakes with a 50/50 mix of coffee concentrate and half&half as the liquid base 👍
I was ready for Shinada's story to be the one I'm so-so on, what with Akiyama/Kiryu/Saejima outshining the other guy So Much in Y4 but, boy, am I thinking wistfully about the baseball man
me: I am nearly up to Yakuza 7, and don't see Infinite Wealth going on sale for a bit, maybe I can take a break to play something el-- Infinite Wealth: psssst... me: nani
putting in an average of 45 hrs per game, into Yakuzas 0, K1, K2, 3💀, 4 and 5, is not huge compared to what is There, but damn is experiencing 7 years in 4 months, a lot...experiencing feelings