
"...this contrivance will do away with the cannon cracker casualties of the Fourth of July. It is hard to think of an American misconceiving so completely the spirit of the great day." Life Magazine June 22 1905
"necessity is the precise antithesis of liberty, and an implement wherewith a boy might not, by any possibility, kill or maim himself, but must necessarily escape unscathed, would import into the celebration of liberty's natal day an element most incongruous and depressive of proper enthusiasm." 😮
This guy truly understands what the Fourth is all about 🤣
if you've got a higher than 10% chance of surviving the holiday, is it even a holiday?
Ohhhh, XKCD needs to do a chart about that. American holidays and your chances of being maimed or killed... Thanksgiving: Is it possible to die from eating too much? Halloween: Check every piece of candy for razor blades and or fentanyl.
I thought I was going to die one Thanksgiving after eating 4 pounds of potatoes and a quart of gravy. Does this count?