
He wasn’t going to be constrained by anything anyway, but this ruling gives him a veneer of lawfulness for his inevitable lawlessness should he return to office.
Chilling point from on SCOTUS ruling and second Trump term, on today's pod: "You want to know how far this opinion goes? Just wait six months. He's going to get advice as to what his maximal power is. We may find out sooner rather than later how far these powers go."
And makes it a million times harder to hold him accountable.
It may also mean unfortunate consequences for judges, prosecutors, plaintiffs, and others who try to hold him accountable. Disingenuous people can now criticize or chastise them for not respecting precedent and "established law."
Even right now. Say there is a sentencing in NY prior to the election, and Judge Merchan sentences Trump to jail. Trump appeals. Trump wins reelection. Now Trump's DOJ arrests Bragg, Merchan/clerk. Will they accuse Judge Merchan of overstepping in an illegal way for decisions being made now?
Therein lies the danger. A normal president would not, but of course Trump will, and no one will tell him he’s overstepping.