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hates Monday, loves pasta. Not Garfield yet
told my cat to get a job and he immediately attacked my leg. I think he’s proposing a protection racket?
a little distressing that this strange little body is supposed to contain all of me
okay honestly I do enjoy being Jewish even during this week of breadlessness, but overall we really do need to have fewer holidays. We’ve racked up too many over the years so we need to do a calendar clean up and then go to a one-in-one-out system
so I ended up owing taxes federally this year BUT as per usual I got a state refund and the difference between the two was <$20 and frankly it’s TOTAL bullshit I can’t just use like, a Splitwise “simplify debts” function for this in Turbotax
got be honest, it’s hard being the ideal Soylent consumer but also hating tech bro bullshit
Why do humans have to eat sooooo many times a day. Very inconvenient, would much rather simply eat one giant meal like snake.
Why do humans have to eat sooooo many times a day. Very inconvenient, would much rather simply eat one giant meal like snake.
Genuinely love how it was winter just a week or so ago and now suddenly every tree is covered in beautiful little flowers. It’s all happening!!!
when U hear weird noises at night and the cat is already in bed, don’t worry at all, it’s just some ghosties doing their thing.
Reposted byAvatar Sherri
there are some pretty good words out there. parsnips. modality. something for everyone
Reposted byAvatar Sherri
The body runs up the score. The body points to the left field wall with its bat before knocking one out of the park. The body glares at me while the ref gives instructions then goes to its corner without tapping gloves. The body crosses up my ankles in the paint before windmill dunking over my head.
It is very funny that LinkedIn has its own dialect
this is actually a very smart move because one of the other model’s breasts tried to leave through the escape portal
I love this model trying to hide what is unquestionably the stupidest part of this blazer
I love this model trying to hide what is unquestionably the stupidest part of this blazer
Really enjoying the sharp division between wedding vendors who need to have beautiful, functional websites (photographers, florists) vs… not (cake bakers, bless em)
Just figured out that Stanley cups have the same name as THE Stanley Cup. Starting to reevaluate some past convos!!
This is about the Barbie movie btw
ppl from high school getting famous mostly v. confusing. You see a movie poster in the morning w/ them in it and are like... oh that's real? I'm awake?
How lucky we are to live in a world with soups and stews!
Someone in the apartment building has been slow cooking and it smells simply incredible. What a nice way to wind down the laziest day of the year.
Running an errand which should have taken 15 minutes and will end up taking 5x that and feeling totally serene. Vacations rule.
Can’t believe that evil old man finally died and I can’t drink even one single champagne
deeply tired of vitamins pretending to be everything besides themselves
There is little in life that cannot be improved by having a cat sleep on your feet
I cannot handle “should I vote for a democrat who sucks shit” discourse in 2023.
it turns out that when the cat wanders out of bed in the middle of the night she is not looking for alone time, she just wants someone to bring her back to bed so she knows she is wanted
I’m at a “teacher taking a sick day” level of illness. I’m sick enough to feel unwell even through the ‘Quils. Even my germs want a heated blanket and some chamomile tea with honey. I am become cold, destroyer of works
why is there still an Amtrak stop for Old Saybrook, CT, population 10k
Terry de Havilland needs to either make his beautiful shoes in my shoe size or stop with the ad targeting
ah yes, the past was so quaint. Thank goodness we now select mates solely based on smell.
Reposted byAvatar Sherri
Of course I know what Starfield is. That's, uhhh, Jon Starbuckle's cat.
big fan of depression meals getting rebranded as girl dinner