
Wild story about environmental successes out in Morris, which I mostly think of as a town where you spend a lot of time looking for something to do
I taught a semester there and absolutely loved it. That being said, you are right.
When were you there? I was out there from 93-97, before the school really dedicated itself to the environmental identity
I taught an Intro to Native American Studies in 1997 or 98. We were living near Montevideo at the time. I had Graham Greene’s nephew in my class, so that was kind of fun.
Seems like a class I would have rushed to take, and I was there then. So maybe it was Fall of ‘98 when I was studying abroad in Nicaragua.
I’m a bit hazy on dates. We did have a fun class, because of it’s history and admittance system I had about half white midwestern kids and half Indigenous students from all over the US.
We do good work at Morris, even if there’s not much to do otherwise.
After I wrote the earlier skeet, I started wondering how different the undergrad experience is now since a lot of our complaints in the 90s—having to go to St. Cloud for music and Alex for movies—have been totally mooted by technology
We do get *some* movies, but I would argue that the Internet has actually made it *more difficult* to live in Morris. The polarization caused by social media is really pronounced out here. Amazon is destroying small businesses.