Heart Faced Lover πŸ’ΏπŸ©·πŸ˜ƒπŸ’•πŸ’Ώ

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Heart Faced Lover πŸ’ΏπŸ©·πŸ˜ƒπŸ’•πŸ’Ώ


I'm a librarian at a premier urban library.
I was @bibliobebe on Twitter.
Now I'm just me!
Not only do I see a lot of cat content on Bsky, it's like 90% Siamese cat content πŸ˜»πŸ’― the best cat content
Logging off to read a book. Becca Rothfeld is enamored of Norman Rush's MATING like me. In the chapter I'm reading now, she's raging against meditation lol
My Cyber Truck spotting milestone: I saw one ON MY STREET. In front of my house
hey man. we don't like you so we got high without you. but now we're paranoid you don't like us.
I like the hush that came over the two chatty Cathies when the old lady started lecturing me about how she's disabled πŸ˜‚
I'm probably going to go viral for being the person who didn't give up their seat on the crowded bus πŸ˜‚
Hold up. I JUST got that the vp pick is actually an author. A Berkeley book club I get emails for but never go to picked it for the monthly read some years ago. Such a privilege, to have an author candidate to drag ;)
My mom returned home and confided her dementia diagnosis is fuckin her up, making her doubt herself. I told her to not let it hold her back, someone will always be there to point her in the right direction home (for better or for worse lol)
Librarians: Here's what you need to know about copyright, both in terms of things you create and also using other people's work. Also Librarians: As part of our jobs we can do a little bit of copyright infringement, as a treat. πŸ“š
When I was eating my pancakes at Mel's, I read an interview with Nicholas Cage on the WSJ app and an essay about building a fence in Maine on the NYT app. The "cancel your subscription!!!" people can suck it (I get my subscriptions for free anyways lol)
Laser hair removal is an antidepressant!!!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
The next thing I'm not looking forward to... Shaving my body in preparation for (painful) laser hair removal. I hate beauty standards and the fact I defer to them for my bf. I highly doubt even after 8 sessions will this hair not grow back.
I don't want more responsibility, I don't want to become her IHSS worker, I don't want to contemplate how much worse she's bound to get, I don't want to contemplate how difficult it will be to get out of this, and least of all do I care about her calcium intake KAISER PHARMACIST
I'm scrolling my timeline and all I see are a bunch of people who don't have to care for a disabled person that scored 18 out of 30 on a memory test 😭
San Francisco Bay and the Bay Bridge for a timeline cleanse
Look, I'm not saying that your writing should be 100% motivated by spite. But a little, like 10%, is really helpful for those days where all the other motivations aren't working.
These replies are insane. Do people think journalism is a healthy industry with lots of high paying jobs? Bc they'd be wrong. Hope everyone cancelling their subscriptions like news deserts. Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
The effort to β€œcancel” @jbouie.bsky.social on here is probably going to go about as well as the effort to β€œcancel” dril. What a pointless, joyless fight to have.
Finally ate all the sardines I had stored in my desk at work (must have had a dozen tins). Time to move onto the "Naturally smoked kipper snacks" tins
Check out this quack! San Francisco Examiner, Jan 4, 1901. Tesla communicates with Mars... allegedly
All episodes of Shelley Duvall’s FAERIE TALE THEATRE are on Internet Archive, if you’d like to enjoy the second act pivot that made her iconic for β€˜80s and β€˜90s kids. archive.org/details/fgtd5r #ShelleyDuvall
I remember watching Annie Hall on acid in college and we all had a total laugh attack over some phrase like, "I do recall Shelley Duval" and we just kept laughing our asses off for half the movie
Another one bites the dust... I guess I'm the only unit in the building that still has this
Sometimes you want something so bad that's so starcrossed that it has to get beaten out of you in the most painful, protracted way possible
One microfilm regular is bro-ing down with another (newer) microfilm user and this is how is how to melt the heart of a mags and news librarian
Mission Accomplished 😸😸😸 #cats
How is it almost 3 and I haven't drank any coffee at work yet ?