
Roleplay being Roger Stone: how do you change Trump's messaging to take advantage of the following: Biden drops and the DNC is a brokered convention? Kamala Harris is the candidate? Kamala Harris isn't the candidate and lawsuits against the DNC happen because voters choices were ignored?
Brokered convention = “Democrats in disarray! Dem infighting! Dems eat their own!” Harris becomes the candidate = Go for all-racist, all misogynistic rhetoric 24/7. Dems drop Harris, too: kiss the black vote goodbye; if final ticket has no women, lose the women’s vote, too.
Which is why the NYT is all in on this strategy. I wish every MSNBC segment started with "For the XXXth day in a row, the Trump campaign has been too frightened to sit down for an interview, so these are things that they don't want you to know about their pet rapist."