
Rewatching ALIEN: COVENANT, which supposes a fantastical sci-fi future where a billionaire cares about big philosophical questions and has knowledgeable opinions about opera
Yes, I am sort of always thinking about that thread on reconsidering what it means to rebel against The Canon if our actual elites mostly operate at the sophistication level of South Park
the best part of that movie is the Carlo Bugatti chair he's sitting init the beginning
Dude made a chair with “pedestal for my hookah or maybe sometimes a lamp, but keep it symmetrical and add a grab bar for friends to read cool stuff over my shoulder k?”
There’s a part of me that just wants to go back and rewrite all these movies, books, comic books and other fiction with the knowledge we have now about how petty and short-sighted real billionaires are.
I often think about an Elon musk Iron Man, who hires others to make him a suit, possibly killing 20 to 30 people every time he suits up because of easily foreseeable consequences he wouldn’t allow his people to fix.
Yes! But man as the years go by, I worry that he’s a bit too competent.
Stane is more like Peter Thiel. Elon Musk is more like The Deep (on "The Boys") with the politics of Stormfront. I'd go farther and say that everyone in The Seven is a stand-in for some billionaire. Even Starlight is Taylor Swift.
Thing is Stane was never incompetent. He just had a hard ceiling while Stark was transcendent. And Stark actually had a moral core impeded by his immaturity rather than being truly antisocial.
To be fair we only have one billionaire that shares their thoughts so openly. Elon absolutely cares about big philosophical questions and thinks he knows about opera. Granted he's an absolute braindead fucking moron, but still
He still thought we was smarter than everyone and was personally responsible for loosing the Alien scourge on the world. Billionaires need high taxes the same way junkyard dogs need high fences with strong, locked gates.
I mean he funded all that to try to cheat death so it's not that far fetched...
It's supposed to be science fiction, Ridley, not fantasy
Absurd made up nonsense, impossible
To be fair, some of them do care about big philosophical questions, it's just that a lot of them have awful answers (see how some of them think LLMs are going to be sapient superintelligent AIs)....