
It’s fun that when right wing parties win it’s reported as reflecting the views of the people, but when left wing parties win it’s reported as politicians dragging the country to the left. Loud right wing extremists are not the majority, in Australia or the UK, we mostly just want more fairness.
The non-subtle mainstream media poisoning minds with innuendos, putting an ideological slant on everything. The Age this morning can barely disguise it's disgust for a woman who expressed a conscience - when the real news is about political parties unwilling to see a diverse - voting - electorate
And Richard Haas talked about the "surge" by Farage's party - they won 4 seats??? Just like now the media is still ignoring what trump did in office & what he plans to do - except MSNBC.
Farage did take a large percentage of votes, but they all seem to be cranky Tories, a protest vote. I can’t see them being an influence in five years. The Liberal Democrats are a bigger story for me.
Yet few are talking about them. I am a little surprised at how the voters split the vote in so many directions. In Canada the 2 left parties constantly splitting the vote gives away too many elections to the conservatives with less than 40% of the vote. I hope French voters work together.
The Tories' new photo ID requirements have caused this last election to have the third lowest turnout of all time though (only 60% of registered voters casting their votes.) Glad when vote manipulation tactics work out for the best.
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By next election everyone will be prepared with photo ID, more young people voting could hurt the Tories even further. Hopefully.
By the next election, several of the measures put in place by the Tories to limit demographic groups likely to oppose them may have been removed too, hurting both them and Reform's chances for a comeback. Hopefully.
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the talk about needing PR now is nauseating , THE LEFT HAVE BEEN SAYING IT FOR YEARS! but once *He* says it? it's all that matters!
It's been a right-wing media power grab for decades. That reporting bias is the outcome