
Live feed of Occidental Petroleum waiting to buy David Keith's solar geoengineering company so they can do SRM offsets for their new oil and gas sites
As the climate crisis has escalated, some experts have suggested that drastic measures like solar geoengineering may eventually become necessary and so should be researched now.
“Things are moving so quickly” as scientists study this “very scary” climate The controversial field of solar geoengineering is hitting its stride.
This is one of the more craven things I've heard a prominent climate researcher voice out loud. And it's hard not to notice this pivot in connection with the growing interest in solar radiation management among wealthy tech elites, i.e. the kinds of people who are now funding this work.
And FWIW I think that we are at the point where research on solar radiation management is warranted. Not making an argument about this complicated topic, just flagging my concern as being focused the willingness to shift one's ethical lines in response to what appears to be funders' interests.
To me it's sort of interestingly linked - an illustration of how vital it is to always view the "we should just do the research" calls in the context of where research ends up This is an example from my alma mater (offsets sold to fossil co's, fossil partners etc)
USD$250,000 from Elon Musk to Sydney students, for carbon A team of University of Sydney students have won a USD$250,000 prize, awarded by Elon Musk's Foundation to develop a solar-powered unit that removes CO2 from the atmosphere.
I will see you your alma matter and raise you mine. Here's a funded faculty proposal that positions Stanford to help sell nature-based removal offsets:
Risk management framework for terrestrial nature-based climate
If you are familiar with the carbon removal commercial ecosystem, this whole Stanford funding portfolio is fascinating because several of the projects already exist in nearly identical form as commercially backed ventures.
Greenhouse Gas Removal (GHG-R) Greenhouse gas removal at the gigaton scale by 2050.