
I really can't begin to describe the despair and disappointment when my friends and fellow climate folks have justified keeping X alive through their presence because "that's where the audience is" like - that is true, but that is the exact reason you need to stop being the audience!
Since I had such a large sample (nearly a hundred), I analyzed X comments by category. 47% said climate wasn't changing, I was lying, ignorant, or not really a scientist 15% said I was in it for the $ 14% were insults Content warning: Please don't read the fine print if you're sensitive.
It's even more frustating for me, a journalist, that the media here in New Zealand, remains fully committed to TwitterX even when their audience is not.
Not all, we're lucky to have on here but it would be great to have more (and politicians) The only way we'll break the reliance on Xitter is by just upping and leaving
Yeah, not all, but a substantial majority. I really ought to get to know those other three who are here.
It a bit of a numbers game though, and Twitter has the number. Unfortunately a large amount of those numbers are bots or inflated.
I actually think there's also a bunch of people who treat the confrontational stuff neutrally as if it's valuable engagement.
It's similar reasoning as people complaining about traffic
When we know this experientially but then a scientist does the stats...