D.S. Ketelby

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D.S. Ketelby


science fiction, urban fantasy, (para)politics, (counter)culture * carbon-based lifeform * anarcho-syndicalist * christ-follower * pronouns: he/him * more content & details at ketelby.blogspot.com
Living through a bereavement (dad, last Friday), I'm again mindful of David Foster Wallace's "redemptive power of cliche" (noted in this article on 'Signs') and the necessity to both hear and speak the words everyone says at such times. ketelby.blogspot.com/2020/04/signs-resilience.html
ropes, planks, sensible shoes: disaster and resilience in the movie 'signs' and in the world at largeketelby.blogspot.com Concise reviews of books and films, especially science fiction, politics, poetry, urban fantasy, popular science.
Waking up (having gone to bed at 1:30am) to Labour having equalled their exit poll seat prediction, Conservatives and Reform underforming theirs (Reform significantly), Lib Dems and Greens exceeding theirs - I'll take that.
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Ousted MP Robert Buckland setting up the coming huge fight for the direction of the Conservative Party #UKGE2024
Speak for England, Sir Robert!
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Screen Rant lists NAVIGATIONAL ENTANGLEMENTS as a much anticipated book screenrant.com/most-anticip... "short and sweet... Việt Nhi and Hạc Cúc working out their differences is sure to be the highlight, with a "found family" dynamic that is often highly enjoyable in a great sci-fi book."
10 Most-Anticipated Sci-Fi Books Coming Out In July 2024screenrant.com The most exciting sci-fi book releases of July.
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Two mid-1970s polemics (E.P. Thompson, Michael Moorcock). ketelby.blogspot.com/2023/12/polemics.html
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Has anyone else been shocked at the lack of Conservative signs, even in constituencies won comfortably-to-by-miles last time and where they now face, at the very least, a stiff challenge?
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This is not an article about epoxy river tables. I mean, it is. But it's not. But it is. Or maybe it isn't. www.southernfriedscience.com/this-is-not-...
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It is also worth noting that "universal" stories appeal to zero people, because no one lives a universal life. The more specific a story is, the more we relate to it even if we have a different life, because we recognize that the story feels real
Just fold the studio into Disney and kill it already. Make Toy Story sequels till the sun fucking burns out. Love how this shift conveniently happened when more woman/POC were really pushing to direct their own stories. Defining their experiences as not "universal" is saying the quiet part aloud.
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If you want to know the precise moment when the rot set in, it was 14 years ago today when David Cameron took office. 14 lost years of decay and the destruction of the fabric of the UK with not a single paltry benefit to show for it.
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I read a lot of right wing nonsense to keep abreast of thinking and so others don’t have to, but this is worth a look. It’s a well-written piece from the site of Conservative members and shows that the scales may finally be falling from eyes about the fast-approaching electoral cataclysm.
Goodbyeee | Conservative Homeconservativehome.com Are the local election results sufficiently terrible that Rishi Sunak has earnt the right to march us slowly towards the guns later this year?
Humza Yousaf has been First Minister of Scotland for over eight times as long as Liz Truss's tenure as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
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They reprogrammed a 47-year-old computer system with 68k of memory across a 22+ hour lag
HOLY SHIT THEY FIXED VOYAGER I …!!! blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024...
If you watched 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' and know what happened, you weren't there.
I finally watched Everything Everywhere All at Once and I have no idea what just happened.
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This is one of the best explainers on the Fermi Paradox - why humanity seems alone in the universe. It only gets to my favoured explanation at the end - that we live in a simulation. That’s something that drives a huge number of people crazy, but I see abstract reasons that work.
The Fermi Paradox - Wait But Whywaitbutwhy.com The Fermi Paradox: There should be 100,000 intelligent alien civilizations in our galaxy — so why haven't we found any of them?
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On this day we remember when i did a fun bit of political satire where i pretended to be a major political party supporting trans people
Easter greetings & blessings to all who celebrate or who just want to feel greeted and blessed - British summertime greetings to fellow UKanians otherwise.
Listen (This Jungian Life, Our Opinions are Correct, Dr Cora Sergeant, James Joyce, Fyodor Dostoyevsky) ketelby.blogspot.com/2024/03/listen.html
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I used to love Captain Kirk on #StarTrek, until the worst possible thing happened: I got a job. I had a string of abusive bosses, and I started to notice something about Kirk's management style... My latest newsletter: buttondown.email/charliejane/...
I Stopped Loving Captain Kirkbuttondown.email I used to look up to Captain Kirk, Star Trek's fearless leader, when I was a kid. When I was seven or eight, I had a homemade Starfleet captain shirt, which...
Science Fiction Across Media (Los Angeles) 'Queens of the Future: A Century of Women in Speculative Fiction Media' Call for papers (deadline 1st May, ahead of a conference in October) sfamla.org
Let's not be killjoys about dressing up for World Book Day. Children *should* be able to enjoy being got up as the Gruffalo, Hermione Granger or the Ruin of the Contending Classes from Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels' award-winning YA novella 'The Communist Manifesto'.
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Mack Reynolds [SFE entry: sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/reynol... ] died on this day, so here are some of his book covers (artist: seems to be Paul Lehr, Michael Whelan, Paul Lehr and Leonard):
"Yet I had rather suffer all the miseries of life, and die many deaths, then shamefully to desert, or dishonourably to betray My own just Rights and Soveraignty" - Charles, King and Martyr, barbarously put to death in Whitehall following a pretended trial, on this day in 1649.