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Daily posts featuring verses from the Dhammapada and texts inspired by the teachings of Thai Forest Tradition of Theravada Buddhism.
* Some verses of Dhammapada were updated to modern US English.
Former @Kheminbr account in X / Twitter network.
69. So long as an evil deed has not ripened, the fool thinks it as sweet as honey. But when the evil deed ripens, the fool comes to grief. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
68. Well done is that action of doing which one repents not later, and the fruit of which one reaps with delight and happiness. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
67. Ill done is that action of doing which one repents later, and the fruit of which one, weeping, reaps with tears. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
66. Fools of little wit harm themselves as they engage in evil deeds, reaping bitter fruits. * #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
65. Though only for a moment a discerning person associates with a wise man, quickly he comprehends the Truth, just as the tongue tastes the flavor of the soup. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
64. Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
63. A fool who knows his foolishness is wise at least to that extent, but a fool who thinks himself wise is a fool indeed. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
60. Long is the night for the sleepless; long is the journey for the weary. And for fools who know not the Sublime Truth, worldly existence seems endless. * #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
59. Even so, on the rubbish heap of blinded mortals the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
58. Even amidst a heap of rubbish by the roadside, a lotus blooms—fragrant and pleasing. * #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
57. Mara never finds the path of the truly virtuous, who abide in heedfulness and are freed by perfect knowledge. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
Reposted byAvatar Khemin
51. Tal como uma flor bonita cheia de cores mas sem fragrância, da mesma maneira, infrutíferas são as palavras justas de quem não as pratica. #Dhammapada #Budismo #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm
Reposted byAvatar Khemin
52. Tal como uma flor bonita cheia de cor e também fragrância, da mesma maneira, frutuosas são as palavras justas de quem as pratica. #Dhammapada #Budismo #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm
56. Faint is the fragrance of tagara and sandal, but excellent is the fragrance of the virtuous, wafting even amongst the gods. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
55. Of all the fragrances — sandal, tagara, blue lotus and jasmine — the fragrance of virtue is the sweetest. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
54. Not the sweet smell of flowers, not even the fragrance of sandal, tagara, or jasmine blows against the wind. But the fragrance of the virtuous blows against the wind. Truly the virtuous man pervades all directions with the fragrance of his virtue. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Budismo
53. As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, even so should many good deeds be done by one born a mortal. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
50. Don’t focus on finding faults in others or observing their mistakes and achievements. Instead, concentrate on your own actions, both those you’ve done and those you’ve left undone. * #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budismo
49. As a bee gathers honey from the flower without injuring its color or fragrance, even so the sage goes on his alms-round in the village. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
48. The Destroyer brings under his sway the person of distracted mind who, insatiate in sense desires, only plucks the flowers (of pleasure). #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
47. As a mighty flood sweeps away the sleeping village, so death carries away the person of distracted mind who only plucks the flowers (of pleasure). #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
46. Realizing that this body is like froth, penetrating its mirage-like nature, and plucking out Mara's flower-tipped arrows of sensuality, go beyond sight of the King of Death! #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
45. A striver-on-the path shall overcome this earth, this realm of Yama and this sphere of men and gods. The striver-on-the-path shall bring to perfection the well-taught path of wisdom, as an expert garland-maker would his floral design. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Budismo
44. Who shall overcome this earth, this realm of Yama and this sphere of men and gods? Who shall bring to perfection the well-taught path of wisdom as an expert garland-maker would his floral design? #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budismo
43. Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good than one's own well-directed mind. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
42. No matter the damage an enemy might inflict on another enemy, or a hater onto someone they despise, a mind that’s led astray can cause even greater harm to oneself. * #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
41. Before long, alas! This body will rest upon the earth, unnoticed and lifeless, akin to a discarded log. * #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo
40. Realizing that this body is as fragile as a clay pot, and fortifying this mind like a well-fortified city, fight out Mara with the sword of wisdom. Then, guarding the conquest, remain unattached. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budismo
39. There is no fear for an awakened one, whose mind is not sodden (by lust) nor afflicted (by hate), and who has gone beyond both merit and demerit. #Dhammapada #Theravada #Buddhism #Boudhisme #Buddhismus #Boeddhisme #Buddismo #Buddism #Budhizmus #Budizm #Budismo