
For anyone looking to come up to Canada after whatever debate debacle just happened, you should know that we also have a liberal leader who has lost everyone's trust and a right-wing dipshit who throws out dog whistles, just to set your expectations a bit lower 😅
Omg one of my friends was talking about moving to France, and I was like "so you REALLY haven't been paying attention to French news in the last 20 years, huh?"
In the last month even!
Right? They were like "it's too racist in the US, I want to move to France," and I literally thought they were doing a bit at first. Bc WHAT.
Hey the Netherlands let me holler at- wait
Yeah, we're just a few years behind I've got a few people to think about not voting Conservative, so they might only get 50% of the vote in my riding
Any tips on convincing them not to? Ahhh who am I kidding, I'm in Saskatchewan, they'll never not vote conservative. Do you have any good cocktail recipes to help me feel better living in this political sink hole of progress?
Honestly, it's been citing the actual policies that were supported at the convention in September And the leader's glad handing with open white nationalists
Yeah, I try and do that. Particularly provincially yet somehow the rebuttal is always "the NDP closed hospitals" and when I say "that's because the cons before him bankrupted our province" I get eye rolls. And somehow the SaskParty being in power for 16 years wasn't enough time to fix things.
yeahhhh. Over here, our minority-alliance right wing government is governing on the policies of the alt-right party - who are not part of the government, and thus take zero responsibility for the results. things kind of suck all over.
I like your money better than American money though. I'm not asking for a lot. One time in Canada, I read the paper, and front page story was about suicides in prison. Somebody at a newspaper actually cared if prisoners committed suicide. Really, it's enough for me. Plus the cooler looking money.
I'm curious how long ago this was and what newspaper if you remember? The reason I ask is nearly every major newspaper in Canada is owned by the same right wing company so this genuinely surprises me.
Hmm...2015, Vancouver, BC.
I think that's most of *checks notes* everywhere, nowadays, unfortunately.
Racist hate is a cancer that is contagious.