
I going to put this bluntly. I'm from SC. My senators are Graham and Scott. When the call goes out to call your reps, let me tell you, these men DO NOT CARE about my Black ass. I have watched governor after governor blatantly ignore the wants of the constituents. 🧵
Black southerners have been experiencing the violent white supremacist terrorism of Trumpism ever since he took office, all through the time he was trying to overthrow the government, & the entire time since then. It's not new to us, but if it's new to y'all, great.
I have CONSISTENTLY voted Democrat since I was registered. My 1st presidential election I watched Gore fucking win only for the presidency to be handed to Bush. In my state I've watched fight tooth and nail to keep any progressive policies from happening.
When Nikki Haley ran for governor, a member of their own party, they called her a raghead. The congressman who yelled "You lie!" at Obama's state of the union was from SC. His name is Joe Wilson btw and he's running for reelection.
These good ol' boys who run our state were bad before and Trump's only made them bolder to act in their barely veiled racism. The conservatives of this state would rather slit their throats than let black and brown people or "illegals" appear to be getting ahead of them and it's been that way
Since emancipation. Ain't nothing new under the sun. So if this knowledge of the lengths supremacists will go to to make their ideal world is new to you, I'm sorry. But you have to get over it and be prepared to join the fight that the rest of us have been in for decades.