
The “can’t build proper nests because we bred their instinct out of them” thing is kind of an urban legend, even wild, undomesticated, ancestral Rock doves in their native habitat just throw in a couple sticks and call it a day, it’s just that in their natural habitat they nest in holes like this
You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: OK! People: Hi Me: We literally domesticated and then abandoned pigeons and now they don't know how to live if not alongside us and they can't even build proper nests but we reject them and call them pests when they stick around and
I don’t remember what video I watched but they were like, pigeons could make more substantial nests if the environment requires it, but for cliffs and buildings, it doesn’t doesn’t make sense for them to use the energy to build it when they could use it more toward caring for the eggs.