
Pretty sure every set of kids grow up with dumb misinformation floating around in the playground, and the kids who dig their heels in. All you can do is show other sources beyond ChatGPT, encourage curiousity and investigation and challenging infomation and they'll learn eventually. They're kids.
Y'all are killing me with these today! Kids aren't stupid! You teach them a better way of doing things! That's what being a teacher is! Don't go flying into hysterics about youth corruption with every new technology, please! Recognize it's weird cyclical generational nonsense! The kids are alright!
We definitely don't want to be teaching kids that an adult is an absolute authority on what's right or wrong, which I get the impression is how this teacher teaches, but that's not gonna work for every kid (I had a problem with classes where there was only one correct answer. Looking at you MATH).
I feel like I was lucky that the teachers I had in high school for AP focused more on teaching us critical thinking than focusing on whether we could pass our tests or not. It's that sort of foundation that helped me navigate the world.
Feel like my experience with pretty great teachers in Elementary, Junior High, and High School just... doesn't exist anymore? Cause, some of these stories are a *massive* yikes. Also... just ask them to cite their sources? Literally wasn't allowed to cite Wikipedia for essays, and never *fought* it
Also re:generators... just have their use be an instant fail on the assignment? Teachers put those kind of stipulations on nearly all of my assignments in High School and College? Are they not allowed to do anymore???
Yeah, teaching a kid adults in general are authority figures they need to defer to isn’t gonna help when they deal with incompetent or malicious adults
Schoolyard misinformation has always been a thing. Best you can do is talk with kids, teach show them how to find reliable sources, and encourage them to keep asking questions