King of the Vagabonds ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ

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King of the Vagabonds ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ

Several free thinking consumer robot goblins in a trenchcoat. Sometimes miniatures, sometimes Star Trek, sometimes Leftist politics.

He chose this for himself. This is not staged. I was not even home when he did this. I simply found him in this state.
Always loved this shirt, but it's just gotten too ratty. Maybe I should cut out the front and frame it?
Cat was watching the rain last night. I put a blanket on my bike seat less to keep him warm and more so he won't claw the ever loving fuck out of it.
First wave is moved into the new house. Lord help me. #wargaming
Post the Muppet you want to be versus the Muppet you fear you may actually be.
Post the Muppet you want to be vs. the Muppet you fear you may actually be.
Very happy with the results on this. I wanted to try a bit of weathering on it to show it had seen some action and I think I pulled it off nicely. #wargaming #battletech
Probably the last model I'll work on before the move. My buddy 3D printed it I guess because he assumed like all nerds I enjoy Transformers. But actually I really don't care one way or the other about this franchise. But a free mech is a free mech. #workinprogress #wargaming #Battletech
Deadzon Saturday part 2! The Eiras Contract flexed on a GCPS list (200 points). We called this after turn one because my Eiras Contract scored 12 VPs in a single turn and there was no practical way to recover. This list might be broken, or maybe just a really bad matchup? #wargaming #Deadzone
Deadzone Saturday! First up was my Mazon Labs vs buddy's Plague (150 points). Plague have been a tough nut for me to crack, but Mazon Labs got the job done. I've got to admit, these Star Saga models really look good painted. #wargaming #Deadzone #mantic
Playing Deadzone today so decided to try out Mazon Labs now that my Star Saga box is painted. I had to quickly make a 60mm base for the Aberration, but you would never guess this is a handful of paper circles I made with a compass covered in glue and sand. #wargaming #mantic #Deadzone #StarSaga
I played a game of Kings of War with my 8yo. 1000 points. He took the Abyssal Dwarfs against my Goblins. The Goblins routed, but they gave a strong showing and bloodied the Abyssal Dwarfs. #KingsofWar #mantic #wargaming #affordableOldHammer
I want to make it absolutely clear that the cat had a fit until I let him go out in the rain. He chose this for himself.
Here's all of the individuals from Star Saga. I never intended to fully paint this, but the queue has been empty for a few days and I didn't want to buy anything new, so here we are. The goal now is to let these models see action in Deadzone. #wargaming #Deadzone #StarSaga #mantic
These are the final five models from the Star Saga box. I never intended to paint them, but here we are! #wargaming #Deadzone #StarSaga #mantic
Some Rangers and Marines for Star Saga and Deadzone. I kept the paint job on these relatively simple, mostly using contrasts and washes, but the result is good enough for the table. #wargaming #mantic #Deadzone #StarSaga
I love not living in American suburban hell because I can walk out of my front door and in five minutes on foot be served Thai stir fry at a neighborhood restaurant.
I have finished the Security Guards from Star Saga. Not the most brilliant models, and the boardgame plastic doesn't do it any favors, but the results are entirely acceptable and will look great on the table. #wargaming #Deadzone #StarSaga
I wasn't super happy with the last round of photos, so trying these again. #wargaming
These were kind of fun to paint. I'm always weary of white, but I think I managed to pull it off here. #wargaming #StarSaga #Deadzone #mantic
Plague Victims are finished. These are really easy models to paint quickly. #StarSaga #wargaming #Deadzone
With the painting queue finished, I decided to dig out the Star Saga box and paint the non-boss enemies that I had been leaving unpainted. This has the added benefit of doubling as a Deadzone team for me. #wargaming #StarSaga #Deadzone #mantic