
And the primary reason for that is because the money you get when you go past GO each time, does not increase. But rents do.
Remember: Monopoly has a Basic Income and everyone still ends up bankrupt and homeless.
Whoah I did not make that connection before.
What's funny and fucked is IIRC the creator of the game, who I believe was a woman, created the game as ANTI CAPITALISM. It's designed to show the progression and evils of capitalism in a winner take all system. The number of family fights over Monopoly is legion.
The game it's based on, The Landlord's Game, had a separate set of rules to make play more fun and equitable, but those didn't make it into Parker Brother's version. I think Hasbro has embraced some of the house rules, but if you play according to the rules as written, it's faster and less painful.
For example, getting money when you land on Free Parking is a notorious house rule that ends up extending the game and making it unfun.
Our change was to disallow any purchases on your first trip around the board, *and* to not require a purchase to be made. The first one resulted in a more randomized distribution of players when purchasing began.