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Hi, I'm Kitty-tama! Localization editor/QA, VN singer for Japanese VNs! Kanae Hokari is my wife.

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Lilja to Natsuka no Junpaku na Uso is out The first VN by Asou Ei (euphoria, one route of Sakura no Uta) in 6 years. An eccentric blind girl in a wheelchair will paint anything you request. A story about loss and recovery. JP, EN, CN. All ages⬇️
With it now being available on DLSite/DMM, I can announce something I've been dying to talk about. I am so, so deeply honored to announce I was a QA on Lilja and Natsuka: Painting Lies. What a deeply moving game. I am so honored to have worked on an Asou Ei game. 😭💞💞💞 Also now on Steam!!!
Very happy to report mom is stabilizing wonderful. She's no longer in the ICU and her blood sugar is lowered to 200. It sounds like when it's time for her to leave they want her to go to a rehabilitation center for a bit to get her strength. Seeing her really put me at ease and her face lit up too.
Update: mom's blood sugar is now in the 400s which is an improvement from last night. She has a kidney infection as well as a broken leg from a fall years ago that she was never able to get checked. More tests are being run on her. She sounded exhausted when I called her. I'm seeing her soon.
Quick update regarding mom: she has crazy high blood sugar (over 600, it should be at 70), pneumonia, and also has a stomach infection of some kind (really moreso a whole body infection). She's been admitted into the ICU tonight for precautionary reasons for a few days at least.
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Mom wasn't feeling good today so she's been hospitalized just to make sure things look okay and to see what's going on. She 100% made the right choice but that doesn't mean I feel great about it. I feel all physically heavy and sad and wanting to cry even though I know she's in good hands there.
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Sharing this because today’s payday, but I got less than a thousand on this paycheck. Meeting this goal is even more important with my reduced hours.
I have one last hurdle on my path to finding medical stability and hopefully, moving it off survival mode: relocating in August. This is my call for mutual aid one more time so I can land in my feet.
Welcome Home Cy! Help Cy Relocate, organized by Cypress Hello everyone. If you’ve followed me over the past year and a half, you know I’ve g… Cypress Catwell needs your support for Welcome Home Cy! Help Cy Relocate
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Bringing this back around because my hours will be reduced temporarily at work, so I have the ability to balance some really good, quick turnaround projects, including editing, writing, and more! You can always email me at [email protected]! I truly want to do some good, cool work!
My calendar for July is completely clear and very ready to be filled. I've got a resume and am ready to take on new titles and get accustomed to localization again. You can check out my portfolio here and email me at [email protected]! I'm looking forward to working with you.
Cypress Catwell's The professional carrd website for Cypress
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A wise half-elf named Raine Sage one said, "In order to change the world, I must first change myself." So...I'm opening myself up to possibilities and editing again as a sensitivity reader and editor.
C.L.C. Editorial The landing page for C.L.C. Editorial Services, offering experienced sensitivity reader and editorial services at equitable rates.
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NANACAN announces Nagaruboshi: a wish star The first game from Nanaka Mai's doujin circle in 11 years. A boy meets a self-proclaimed goddess. Their unforgettable summer begins, but the cost of love might be high. August 1. Frontwing is translating the game into Chinese.
Super drained. I'm unsure if a shower or nap is the right answer in these circumstances... I really want both. But do I want to get my hair wet now or later? Just very stumped on what the right answer is.
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この時間までに頂いたご依頼関係のメールはすべてお返しいたしました。 いつもありがとうございます! ○スタジオ収録○ ・8月:後数件 ・9月:スタジオに空きがないため要相談 ・10月:大募集中! ★コミケ合わせスタジオ収録★ 6月7月ともに応相談でお引き受けいたします。 7月だと助かります💦 ○宅録について○ 9月30日締め切りが最短になります。 通常依頼は8月末は特急依頼で対応いたします。 コミケ合わせは7月末であれば可 7月15日くらいまでは特急依頼で対応可です。 こちらは6月25日で締め切ります。 よろしくお願いいたします。
コミケ合わせのスケジュールも記載しました! 秋山はるるお仕事受付スケジュール!(6月8日更新!/コミケ合わせもまってるよ!) - DLチャンネル みんなで作る二次元情報サイト! #DLチャンネル
秋山はるるお仕事受付スケジュール!(6月8日更新!/コミケ合わせもまってるよ!) すべてのXがザラキの餌食になった秋山はるるのスケジュールや料金表です。 お気軽にご相談くださいませ!
I know I'm successful and capable but with how I struggle hard in life I just really feel like a failure.
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No expectations but I'll share the link again anyways 'cause I'm working my ass off but still hardcore struggling--altogether I'm trying to get $80 raked up for both the small grocery list and mom's medicine. I feel bad for needing help so often this year but yeah ;___;
Getting real bad stress stomachache thinking about tomorrow--so many work things on my plate, but also so much personal stuff going on. I know I'll make it through the day okay but can I please stop sweating over groceries or having to pay for mom's meds until after I've had some sleep, please ;___;
Pay Kasey Jordan using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
I've been having such a productive last couple weeks, I'm proud of myself. Sometimes it's about just having the discipline to follow through on what needs done and sucking it up even if you don't necessarily want to do things.
It sucks being on edge all the time cause I'm really trying to take baby steps to take better care of myself and currently it works about 50% of the time. But I've heard too that emotions are largely felt in the body and the unpleasant feelings do pass, so I'll sit with that.
Not sure what the vibe for today is just yet. Playing it by ear.
No expectations but I'll share the link again anyways 'cause I'm working my ass off but still hardcore struggling--altogether I'm trying to get $80 raked up for both the small grocery list and mom's medicine. I feel bad for needing help so often this year but yeah ;___;
Getting real bad stress stomachache thinking about tomorrow--so many work things on my plate, but also so much personal stuff going on. I know I'll make it through the day okay but can I please stop sweating over groceries or having to pay for mom's meds until after I've had some sleep, please ;___;
Pay Kasey Jordan using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Getting real bad stress stomachache thinking about tomorrow--so many work things on my plate, but also so much personal stuff going on. I know I'll make it through the day okay but can I please stop sweating over groceries or having to pay for mom's meds until after I've had some sleep, please ;___;
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guess who i just saw at the weed store
her name is Bossy Flossy
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metalogiq announces Minagoroshi no Otome A new game from the creators of Dead End Aegis. More information TBA.
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Kira☆Kano releases on August 30 A collaboration project between Azarashi Soft & Lump of Sugar. Yuzuru is an ordinary student at first glance, but he's actually famous on the Internet. His secret identity leaks to a classmate and she... asks to make her his pupil.
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本日この時間までにいただいたご依頼関係のメールはすべてお返しいたしました、ありがとうございます。 引き続き募集中ですー。 スタジオ収録:8月1日以降空き日程随時 宅録:8月30日締め切り 9月を優先しますとお伝えしていたところ 9月ばかりが来るようになりましたので 8月も……まだお待ちしております!笑 引き続きどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!
🌸スケジュール更新🌸 秋山はるるお仕事受付スケジュール!(5月13日更新!) スケジュール更新いたしました! ○スタジオ収録○ 8月1日以降空き日程随時 ※9月を優先いたします※ ○宅録○ 8月30日〆切 ちょっと完全にCi-en等関係なく8月下旬に旅に出る予定のため9月を優先してお引き受けいたします。 8月希望の方はお早めにどうぞ。 お盆時期は帰る予定等全くありませんので ウェルカムです……!
秋山はるるお仕事受付スケジュール!(5月13日更新!) おい……X、嘘だろ……!?返事してくれよ、X、Xゥゥゥ!!!!なっ!?ま、まさかサブ垢Xまで、まってくれサブ垢X、待ってくれよおおおぉぉぉぉ!!!そしてまさかの全年齢まで……。 そんな、すべてのXがザラキの餌食になった秋山はるるのスケジュールや料金表です。こっちで更新します。かなしい。
I'm losing my mind over this sweet artwork a friend drew for me 😭💞💞💞お友達からめっちゃくっちゃ可愛い絵が届きました…!可愛すぎて泣きそうw大好きです(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
It's my birthday!! お誕生日です!(*´∀`*)