
+210 seats gained on a +2% increase in vote share. FPTP Democracy truly a miracle of representation.
True, but insofar as FPTP incentivises tactical voting and insofar as it actually happens, the mismatch between share of votes and share of seats may not support a robust counterfactual about what would happen under a different system
On the other hand: Keir Starmer's own constituency
you hate to see it / sarcasm
@Independent: Already the shortest-serving PM in history, Liz Truss has now also become the first former leader since 1935 to lose their seat
So is Sunak the only Tory PM with a seat in Parliament at this point? meaning Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss
Brown was Labour. But yes, sort of. May (as of today I think) and Cameron (as of about 12 months ago) are both peers, so they sit in the Lords, but Truss has been kicked and Johnson quit.
On half a million less ppl who voted for labour
In a proportional system we'd be looking at an unclear outcome where Tories have to choose whether to ally with the extreme right or the libs, while labour eyes a two-sided deal with Greens and LDs, which is a familiar picture in the EU right now. Puts the results in perspective.
In a proportional system the parties would be different and they would campaign differently.
Sure, but since we don't have a transdimensional travel machine the best approximation to that scenario is to base it on the vote actuals of the current system.
FPTP favors the conservatives when they run alone on the right. The left has too many parties: Liberals (Labour), NDP (Lib Dems), and Green Party all combine to allow the conservative to win with 34 percent of the popular vote. FPTP must be changed to proportional representation.
And fewer people voted for them this time lmao
Ok, I finally need yo read-up on how this system works.
And the Lib Dems have, for the first time in history, a seat number that actually (almost) reflects their vote share!
Kudos is being given to Starmer and his team for running an excellent constituency targeted campaign rather than one targeting total votes. Under the British system the candidate who achieves the majority number of votes wins the seat even if that is only by one vote. 1/2
Plurality, not majority. If the vote is splintered enough in a constituency, a candidate can win with less than 40%.
You are correct. The basic point is that the winner can win by having one vote or 10,000 votes more than the next most popular candidate and the result is the same. Hence the observation that many more seats were won this time simply by having a smaller winning majority. 😘
Starmer got fewer votes than Corbyn but I don’t suppose we’ll get any peace.
This an extra 10,000 vote majority is “wasted” in the sense that the result in that seat is the same. Labour focused on winning seats not maximizing total votes, an appropriate approach. 2/2
This gives me hope the world hasn’t gone completely extreme and crazy. That good ppl still exist that want real freedom with some balance. Hope Americans will vote for freedom and democracy and not for a felon who tried to overthrow the government.
I would say the correct result happened despite FPTP.
Side point is that increased vote share can be fully explained by demography - old voters replaced by young.