
The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory by Tim Alberta was so good. I learned about a world I didn’t really know and exploring what happens when you forsake moral clarity for temporal power has implications for all believers
Eve by Cat Bohannon feels like a necessary accompaniment to Sapiens or The Third Chimpanzee, eye opening stuff
Also I thought Alberta was a clown before I read it but like any of us he’s a product of his upbringing and he’s deeply thoughtful in grappling with it
I literally stopped myself from saying “wait isn’t that guy a dickhead?” earlier, growth truly is possible
Just got a call from my Dad, who is halfway through the book. A lifelong conservative Evangelical, he called to talk about how his eyes have been opened and how angry and frightened he is. The news needed to come from someone inside that house.
Awesome, I'm glad it's reaching its audience.
Yes, I was surprised he was reading it. He certainly would not have been open to what someone from outside Evangelicalism, no matter how fact-based or well-argued.
And you can tell that he's still devout. He knows his Scripture, he knows his Sunday School.
I've been meaning to read this. Very likely this is my next book.
Read that for a church book club. Really excellent. And we live an hour from his dad's church, so it really hit home to the folks around here.