
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
I like Harris but her base is "non-racist wine moms" and as a wine mom I fear that's not a big enough demo
Knowing K-Hive though, she might even get some racist wine moms who would relish the opportunity to lord their support of her over BIPOC who are less than thrilled 😅
“I have a Black friend” yeah who “President Harris”
I witnessed the most racist white person simping for Kamala Harris and using it as an excuse to shit on Muslims, Arabs, Asians, and everyone she says is 'white-adjacent' because they support Palestine because real black people support Israel like KH... so I immediately regret witnessing such a thing
That same white woman said that Jews are black-adjacent and count as enduring the same persecution as black people and it is why all real black people have solidarity with Israel because Israelis and Jews count as black people because they face persecution for their race...