
The documents folk shout about as their divine authorial text as they bow down to a literal anti-constitutional fascist can actually be read. You should read them they're fairly short: We need to do better USA #4thofJuly #July4th #furry #furryart #art #USA
I find it weird to this day that Americans pledge allegiance to their flag. I have never had to pledge my allegiance to my country or flag, so doing that in school is even more alien to me.
It's indoctrination unironically
Agreed, pledging loyalty sounds so weird because people can move countries. And the "One nation under god" part also feels off due to more and more people not being Christian. ...That makes me wonder how angry people would get over "One nation under allah" (allah means god, after all)
A lot of us think it's weird, too. It's a relic of the Cold War.
Apparently it started much earlier than that. People were already doing it in the 1880's:
Pledge of Allegiance -
The "under God" part was added during the Cold War, since the USSR's state ideology included atheism.
I used to get in trouble in elementary for not pledging to it. Being an avid reader, even at a young age, I kind of felt weird about it. I got paddled....a lot, until they told me to at least pretend. So I'd stare out of the window while it went on.
I am having trouble believing in the good of the country, belivig the country can correct itself and work on making people happy. it just feels like we crossed the point of no return and we will just continue a downward spiral until we are just rotted away from the inside.
The only time that things can't become better is when you do nothing at all Society takes effort to create and maintain. Check local groups that work to make stuff better like implementing bike lanes or help good institutions get funding like libraries (get a library card)
That feeling of hopelessness is the goal of many corporations and politicians. They want you to feel like the world happens to you so they control the power You have a lot more power to enact change. Use it for the better. It'll be hard and tedious at points, but overall its straight forward