
Iwasaki's snail-eater (Pareas iwasakii) is a snake native to the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. As the name suggests, they're specially adapted to eating snails. Rather than crushing, it strikes into the shell and pulls the prey out with a weirdly asymmetrical jaw (25 vs. 15 teeth). (📷: orthoptera-jp)
Note the difference in teeth in the figure below. The snail-eater has adapted to be especially good at attacking right-handed coiling snail, but has difficulty attacking rare left-handed coiling snails. As a result, the percentage of rare 'lefties' on Ryukyu may be the highest in the world.
I love evolved asymmetry!! It’s so weird to think that symmetry in most bilaterians is evolutionarily maintained. Like symmetry has a selective advantage in most cases.
I have a thread for that!
The ears of the Superb Owl🦉are exceptional: they're INTENTIONALLY ASYMMETRICAL to allow for not only left-right discrimination, but also "up-down" sound orientation. This ability lets them accurately & quickly find the scurrying mouse under the leaf mold.