Kristie Choi

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Kristie Choi

Associate Editor @ Atheneum (S&S) | 🌈 bi/pan genderfluid (she/her); neurospicy; 최민지, Korean-Am; plant witch meets punky morbid grandma/cat daddy; opinions my own. IG: @minjipatterson
Just an fyi for agents: I always confirm receipt for submissions. Sometimes it takes me longer than a day to do so, but if you haven’t had any comm from me on a sub in 1-2 months, it likely never reached my inbox. It’s rare, but emails do get lost at times, so feel free to f/u after 1-2 months!
Hayao Miyazaki films are so delightful not only because of the fantastical elements but also the slice-of-life moments in between that are quieter but that highlight the beauty of the ordinary. I love fantasy, but I love it even more when authors can bring out the magic within the mundane.
Sometimes I dream about what the landscape of the modern US would look like if Native/Indigenous tribes had been left alone and allowed to thrive, if driving through America now would be much like driving through Europe, every few hours coming into a new and rich culture, a diversity of languages.
A snowstorm in Colorado isn’t quite the Antarctic, but I’m a native Californian and when it snows this much here, I still feel like Clara from A Suffragist’s Guide to the Antarctic, surviving in the cold wilds.
My social media algorithm has been showing me ad after ad of cute animals in existential crisis, and it’s making me feel both so seen and mildly terrified.
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I continue to approve of Lady Gaga
This, agents, kinda pretty much sums up my taste in more ways than one:
Whenever I randomly burst into song to serenade one of my cats, she always offers a “meow” to contribute to the song. We are a meowsical duo.
Omg. The scene with Iroh. Little Soldier Boy playing in the background. I am now a tearbender. 😭
#mswl for beautifully written teen/YA romance! Enemies/rivals to lovers w/a strong reason for characters hating each other at first (think Nina/Matthias in Six of Crows or Devi/Ben in Never Have I Ever); stories of first love; queer crush/awakening; coming of age like Aristotle & Dante, Malinda Lo
It’s my 4-year work anniversary at S&S, and as of last week, I’ve reached a big milestone in my career: I’m now fully focusing on acquiring for my own list of outstanding PB, MG, YA, GN and select nonfiction! My MSWL link is in my bio and up to date. Agents, let’s connect if we haven’t already!
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I really enjoy my job at Condé Nast Traveler, but what i enjoy even more are my colleagues. We at the Condé Nast Union are walking out today to strike against unfair labor practices, to show the value of our work and that we stand united. We hope you’ll support us too. Info below.
I’m still in denial that Our Flag Means Death has been cancelled. Now where will I get my fix of gay pirate joy??
New Years thoughts from to help shape my intentions for 2024, and past thoughts gathered here that have been a balm:
Ever since I was a kid, and to this day, the only point I see in having a massive mansion or castle is to fill it with friends, artists, writers, and misfits in a kind of cozy commune. *just dreaming of cottage core commune life while living through the hellscape that is late-stage capitalism*
What an experience The Boy and the Heron was. Alongside beautiful animation and a fantasy coming-of-age, you’re left with profound questions of mortality and how to live one’s life. Another masterpiece that will live rent-free in my head for who knows how long.
I’ve now signed up a King of Dead Things and a Prince of Fortune. Now all I need is a Queen or Princess of something! Seriously though, would love to see a character-driven sapphic fantasy written with lush prose in the vein of The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, Margaret Rogerson, or Leigh Bardugo.
Reading Jeannine Atkin’s next verse novel, I’m again reminded of the power of showing vs telling. Instead of saying something like, “She felt sad,” the feeling is shown through this gorgeous line: “She picks a fistful of plain green stalks studded with seeds smaller than tears.” Beautiful.
#MSWL for picture books, graphic novels, MG, YA, nonfiction or fiction, verse or prose—I’m looking for anything with gorgeous writing and/or art highlighting Palestinian voices
A friend and I were talking about our taste in anime. She likes light + fluffy, and I’m generally drawn to the darker stuff because they tend to be the best written w/the most interesting characters. The consensus: there needs to be more feel-good stories w/both great writing & complex characters.
Editors put a lot of thought into how to best describe our taste, and has the most brilliant succinct phrase for hers: “Murders and makeouts, preferably both at the same time.” 💀💋
I’m convinced my life is a tragicomedy written by the kind of writer who loves fart jokes and slapstick humor.
Me to my partner upon learning I made it onto the Elite Squad on Yelp after only writing a few reviews: If I die before you, please add this to my list of accomplishments when you’re giving my eulogy, thanks.
In another edition of “we are simps for our cats,” my partner put up a hammock with steps for the cats above our bed. Taco is still getting used to climbing into it, but thankfully, my face was there last night to break her fall. Oof!
It is true I work for a corporation, but the real boss in my life is Taco Cat who often comes to me during the day demanding that I build her a blanket fort so she can hang out nearby, listening to me work. Taco is the true power.
#MSWL for more beautifully written mystery/thrillers with shocking but well-earned plot twists in the vein of We Were Liars, as well as funny YA mysteries with heart and complex characterization like Knives Out and Only Murders in the Building. I so love genre fiction w/emotional, literary prose.
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We are dedicated to making careers in comics more accessible and sustainable. We aim to address systemic barriers by providing access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and financial support, as well as advocating for fair wages and working practices.
Yes! Trends don’t account for out-of-the-box stories that feel fresh and that readers wouldn’t have ever thought to want. As helpful as MSWLs can be, I never would’ve known to ask for some of the books I’ve signed up. And some of the best stories have premises that seem bonkers or totally unhinged.
My Industry Brain: Let’s pay attention to the markets, analyze the trends, listen to my editor and agent friends about what’s working and what isn’t. My Author Brain: