
Former Trump White House aide Steve Bannon reported to a federal prison in Connecticut today to serve time after refusing to comply with a congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol riot.
Supreme Court denies Steve Bannon's plea to stay free while he Former Trump White House aide Steve Bannon reported to a federal prison in Connecticut today to serve time after refusing to comply with a congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol riot.
Phase 1 - Go to prison for defying subpoena Phase 2 - Get a haircut Phase 3 - Stand trial for scheme and hopefully get convicted Phase 4 - Get pardoned by newly elected petulant boy king Sigh
TRUMP can *NOT* pardon BANNON as (IF) USA PREZ 2025 ... The (2021) pardon of BANNON was for a *Federal Gov* Charge brought by USA POSTAL SERVICE about 'BUILD THE WALL' (Scam) ... The NY *STATE* Charges for the same (Trial upcoming) , are just that (STATE not FED) = USA PREZ can *NOT* do a pardon.